Stop in for a cup of coffee

true - might be a nice little getaway for us both - make a long weekend out of it
You could also visit some of the great places we have around here. Some nice hotels nearby if you prefer to stay someplace like that too.
one of the "things" with my old plow truck was that I had to bring gas to it - I would like to be able to bring my "new" plow truck to the gas... I can dream
these things can blow up in your face pretty easily - one or the other of us decides the deal is somehow not what was expected - - you get mad, I get mad.. people take sides.. too easy to go south
You are not kidding.
these things can blow up in your face pretty easily - one or the other of us decides the deal is somehow not what was expected - - you get mad, I get mad.. people take sides.. too easy to go south
meh, you know you can always flip it when you get home if you aren't happy with it. Someone bought your last plow truck right quick.
Not really. That's pretty much the going price around here. My buddy has a really cool black 85 short bed fresh paint and new tires. Step side. No plow. Really nice truck for about $2500
I dont think plow truck comes with wheels. “Cash and carry”
Not really. That's pretty much the going price around here. My buddy has a really cool black 85 short bed fresh paint and new tires. Step side. No plow. Really nice truck for about $2500
it is tough to find a "good" deal - decent deals are around though - but yea, a 1/2 decent running 4x4 is a $1000 all day long..
you know, starts, goes backward and forward, stops, has heat and a reasonable shot of passing inspection with some minor repairs
Bought 2 running gm’s 400 apiece
Pulled my plow off power wagon and put it on the 92. What a difference. Longer, heavier and at least driveable in 2wd. Power wagon short wheelbase wanted to swap ends in 2wd.

The second gm had some time in the body shop, it looks decent, my summer driver.
Isnt that the truth.. When I worked at Caterpillar I was part of a special project. Everything about this piece of heavy equipment had to be as light as possible to make a certain weight. If memory serves right it was because they had to load it into aircraft. Anyways, every department had a representative there. Most of us noticed that the equipment had a lot of nuts and bolts hand tight at best.. When we brought that up in one of our meetings, the engineer was insistent that they could not be torqued, because when you torque a bolt it it gets heavier. We asked what he meant and he repeated himself. Arguing with us that he is right, and when the bolt and nut compress and it gains weight. You should been in that room... One of the higher powers that was also in this meeting was smart and dismissed him from the project. At least someone in that position had common sense.
All them foot pounds add up! :rofl: