Stop in for a cup of coffee

I really hate throwing out good stuff. It's a weakness :realcrazy:
That feeling has caused me to accumulate too many things that may be good to someone, but I will never use. I've pretty much changed to 'If in doubt, throw it out'. Now if I could get the wife onboard with that... She's like that was from so-and-so and its special because... I'm like -"Do they want it back?" LOL We had a huge, ugly ceramic drink dispenser sitting in the dining area for years. Came from her BIL who passed a couple years ago. I got her to give it back to her sister when she visited last year. :thumbsup:
That feeling has caused me to accumulate too many things that may be good to someone, but I will never use. I've pretty much changed to 'If in doubt, throw it out'. Now if I could get the wife onboard with that... She's like that was from so-and-so and its special because... I'm like -"Do they want it back?" LOL We had a huge, ugly ceramic drink dispenser sitting in the dining area for years. Came from her BIL who passed a couple years ago. I got her to give it back to her sister when she visited last year. :thumbsup:
I'm the same way. Or at least I was. Now when in doubt throw it out .
O BTW I figured out what happened to my fridge. So there are several fans on the fridge. The one in the freezer can get stopped with ice frost build up. Let it sit now it is fine.
Mirrors, steel wool and spray nine. Buffed up good enough. Chrome grille is rough, i love it. And vent window was a challenge. Now the big glass.



Home from a long day of Uber. Seems every time they are off work, I need to drive them here or there for personal issues. I would like to have one day a week just to take them around and have some Fun. Sightseeing, trekking, Excitement, etc. Today we went out at 11am, took the Wife to look at more cars :realcrazy: . But the Jig is, that I will have no involvement with such, since I don't think they need it anyhow, and I refuse to pay or co-sign said car. Then, needed to re-do daughter's Med Ins . Found out she can not change it until open season (kinda knew that). They wanted to go see more cars 1hr away during rush hour. Of course I said NO !!!.. Settled for buying some local jumbo crabs and some beer, and coming back to the house...Thank You Lord..
Home from a long day of Uber. Seems every time they are off work, I need to drive them here or there for personal issues. I would like to have one day a week just to take them around and have some Fun. Sightseeing, trekking, Excitement, etc. Today we went out at 11am, took the Wife to look at more cars :realcrazy: . But the Jig is, that I will have no involvement with such, since I don't think they need it anyhow, and I refuse to pay or co-sign said car. Then, needed to re-do daughter's Med Ins . Found out she can not change it until open season (kinda knew that). They wanted to go see more cars 1hr away during rush hour. Of course I said NO !!!.. Settled for buying some local jumbo crabs and some beer, and coming back to the house...Thank You Lord..
Buy them a Dart