Stop in for a cup of coffee

Left window in studebaker is good. Left rear fender is back on. Then buddy’s Beetle is out of storage.semi-auto transmission. Neutral start is sticky. Crawled under and jumped starter. Guess what? Was in gear. Lightning fast to get out of the way of the tire. Missed me by that much. Told him it woulda stopped, my head is pretty hard. Got him to drive up on display ramp to reconnect starter wire.
Left window in studebaker is good. Left rear fender is back on. Then buddy’s Beetle is out of storage.semi-auto transmission. Neutral start is sticky. Crawled under and jumped starter. Guess what? Was in gear. Lightning fast to get out of the way of the tire. Missed me by that much. Told him it woulda stopped, my head is pretty hard. Got him to drive up on display ramp to reconnect starter wire. View attachment 1716268004
**** Frank that's scarry. Glad it didn't run over your hard head.
Replaced the windshield that I smashed up yesterday. :BangHead:
Got a new Ram pickup coming in tomorrow for a windshield and the **** hanging off the new windshields is a nightmare.
Think I'd be better off restoring old cars that are simple to work on.
Replaced the windshield that I smashed up yesterday. :BangHead:
Got a new Ram pickup coming in tomorrow for a windshield and the **** hanging off the new windshields is a nightmare.
Think I'd be better off restoring old cars that are simple to work on.
All the sensor and collision stuff Fred?
Looks like fun. It's what most of those cars have been turned into. Give me a 383 with an automatic, power steering and power disc brakes, and aftermarket air and I would be interested.
Well it’s been an eventful evening here. We had a bad storm roll through. We got hit. No one was hurt and slight damage to the house but that can all be fixed.