Stop in for a cup of coffee

well... I got it refunded ($45) and there is about 1/3 of the can left... the lid popped off... just gotta figure how i'm gonna clean it up and i should have way more than needed still...
2024-07-01 11.51.15.jpg
Waiting for UPS. It's a bottle. I might have to sign for it.(unless it's my regular driver) He comes to the back door and leaves it hidden on the patio. The sub drivers come to the front door, ring the bell, and take off before I can get out of my chair. :BangHead: :BangHead: :lol:
When working for the phone company my techs would get loaded a crappy job at customer house. They would knock lightly on door and run. No access no one home. It got bad...then customer would wait till the apt window closed at 5pm. Then call where's my tech? Then the poor guys working the late shift , only doing repairs, would get stuck with the crappy
Meh.. got bout 1/2 can still :) Ran to the dentist office next door and got some gloves... UPOL makes great product but that can sucks.. to put the lid on i didn't even have to tap on it.. just lightly push down
F bomb, and insult room of Fabo.
It's really not that bad if you have a thick skin, but it good use a new Marshall since Bruce passed.
He liked to hang out there and that was good. RIP Bruce. For anyone reading this and let's not get political, you had better be a DT fan. The JB fans pretty much get drawn and quartered. Yes, you need thick skin and a strong will to survive.
Waiting for UPS. It's a bottle. I might have to sign for it.(unless it's my regular driver) He comes to the back door and leaves it hidden on the patio. The sub drivers come to the front door, ring the bell, and take off before I can get out of my chair. :BangHead: :BangHead: :lol:
I got my bottle. It arrived unscathed. The box wasn't perfect but they package them well. The inflatable wrap for the bottles really works well.

Smart. I pop in to stir the crap every once in a while but it’s typical as big a cess pool as DC with just as much hate, racism and name calling
Reminds me of growing up between the age of, I will say 6 to about 18.
Lots of cut fights and insults.
Except it's not face to face.
You can learn a lot about people in there though, and sometimes useful info.
80 power wagon onto an 02. Screen shot the earlier comment and sent it to my son. He’s officially excited.
Cummins chassis has no body, and he had it running. So im picking cab off the power wagon and fixing the body then placing it on the CTD chassis. We may use a long box to save time. Shortbox needs a lot of work, and we wont have to shorten frame.
worst case might have to move the front bed bracket on the frame. That’s typically the hurdle
:thankyou: Absolutely no reason to check it out.................................same reason I don't have regular TV or watch the news:thumbsup:
Man that is reassuring to hear. I quit watching the news about 3-4 years ago and same same on tv. My buddies accuse me of going ostrich but I don’t care. I just don’t care to listen to it. I do not have the words to express how much better my daily life is without watching every news cycle. While I applaud all those on here that can do it and remain calm and serene it just was not for me. You guys can carry the flag for me! Just break glass in case of war and I will be right there.