Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yup looking at the current forecast.................... We are leaving here on Thursday. Check-in at the campground then figure it out from there.
This year is weird. Usually get a fast rain and then stays humid, not rain every day. Screws me up with flash rust on the distributors. Nothing I can do about it though. Tell you what I am like a week behind where I want to be packing. Told the Mrs. Next year if the 4th is right before no 4th gathering, that is why I am behind. Foot traffic should still be good, lots of people coming from a distance.
and the deal of the day is
I was talking to Tim yesterday if needed he should have room to put the car at night for you.
Thanks, I was going to ask someone if they had room. @Mopar Tim
The campground says quiet hour till 0800, that won't work firing the car up every morning to leave. :lol:

Also reviewing the paperwork they sent it says everything including any tents etc., is cleaned up daily on the show field so I am assuming no cars overnight, however, I am going to call today.
He has plenty of room. Remember he has 4 spots, and OMR next to him. I know one of them is going to one of the guys I know, Still they are 30 foot deep
Thanks, I was going to ask someone if they had room. @Mopar Tim
The campground says quiet hour till 0800, that won't work firing the car up every morning to leave. :lol:

Also reviewing the paperwork they sent it says everything including any tents etc., is cleaned up daily on the show field so I am assuming no cars overnight, however, I am going to call today.
I seriously doubt they enforce that. I have seen cars and canopies still up at night.
This year is weird. Usually get a fast rain and then stays humid, not rain every day. Screws me up with flash rust on the distributors. Nothing I can do about it though. Tell you what I am like a week behind where I want to be packing. Told the Mrs. Next year if the 4th is right before no 4th gathering, that is why I am behind. Foot traffic should still be good, lots of people coming from a distance.
Need a vacuum sealer..
Another shot of rain last night. High 70’s today. Revisiting my brake/gas pedals today. Need to get that sorted out.
Good idea but every year I spin them up again. Remember also how many I have, and the tables has holes in it for display. Shafts go into them. Prob bringing around a hundred this year not 500
Scott looks like a rainy Carlisle this year! Bring your slicker!


Gonna be tropical
