Stop in for a cup of coffee

You missed a great bottle kill out here yesterday! Ballinveille (sp?)
Looks great Eric! I hung tarps and hosed down the floor, used fans everything I could think of last time I sprayed in the shop and still had paint dust on everything everywhere. Just no substitute for a paint booth. I am just to DIY for my own good sometimes.
I would have wet the floor but also needed to lay on the ground to put just above me for the floor and frame. The plastic sheeting would have been great and knew I should have, but....
That pretty wild, thanks for the video.
That’s not even scratching the surface. Word is that the devastation is worse yet in North Carolina. An entire town was wiped out and hundreds missing from a wall of water when a dam breached
Looks great Eric! I hung tarps and hosed down the floor, used fans everything I could think of last time I sprayed in the shop and still had paint dust on everything everywhere. Just no substitute for a paint booth. I am just to DIY for my own good sometimes.
Those cheap pop up shelter things at Walmart work great for make shift paint booths. Get a roll of clear house wrap and wrap them up after the vehicle is in there, two box fans and boom done.

Terrible situation... so glad we are not dealing with any of that... Haven't watched the weather much, so not sure where ours came from, but even up here it's near a week since we had a truly dry day. And not expecting full sun till Thursday. I guess we're getting all of the rain we missed this Summer... Hopefully no major downpours, cause not hard to imagine everything turning to soup and breaking up when the ground is already saturated.
Good morning to all the Superb Smooth Saturday Coffee drinkers this morning, and the non drinkers .
