Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yes. X Ray doesn't give a good look at soft tissue and cartilage... It's just easy to charge your insurance.
Calling chiropractor in the morning. Hope they can do something with it ASAP. Till then just killing time. I’ve never been good at sitting around doing nothing. Actually felt fine loading wood into the stairwell yesterday… I worked 3 days this week. Worst thing is walking any distance. So in shop was manageable. If it acts up I can usually get it under control leaning back in a chair. But when I had to go to the other end of press room it got nasty a few times. :mad:
Should see how much glitter is in the oil of that biotch. Looks like someone shoved a glitter bomb in the thing.

What’s best to clean the oil pan? I gotta swap the pans
Afternoon, was nice out then the front moved in and the temps dropped fast. Was out with the wife unit and the dogs and could feel the temperature dropping.
Calling chiropractor in the morning. Hope they can do something with it ASAP. Till then just killing time. I’ve never been good at sitting around doing nothing. Actually felt fine loading wood into the stairwell yesterday… I worked 3 days this week. Worst thing is walking any distance. So in shop was manageable. If it acts up I can usually get it under control leaning back in a chair. But when I had to go to the other end of press room it got nasty a few times. :mad:
Get better bud
Calling chiropractor in the morning. Hope they can do something with it ASAP. Till then just killing time. I’ve never been good at sitting around doing nothing. Actually felt fine loading wood into the stairwell yesterday… I worked 3 days this week. Worst thing is walking any distance. So in shop was manageable. If it acts up I can usually get it under control leaning back in a chair. But when I had to go to the other end of press room it got nasty a few times. :mad:
I had a serious issue with my right hip. Thought it was hip flexor. Chiro adjusted T-spine I relieve a subluxation. Worked like a champ
I had a serious issue with my right hip. Thought it was hip flexor. Chiro adjusted T-spine I relieve a subluxation. Worked like a champ
Only used 1 once but it was awesome. Couldn’t stand up straight from low back pain. A few minutes, crack pop and out the door like nothing was ever wrong. Think I went bock for one readjustment… That had to be over 30 years ago before we moved here. There’s 2 docs at this local place. In business a long time…
Calling chiropractor in the morning. Hope they can do something with it ASAP. Till then just killing time. I’ve never been good at sitting around doing nothing. Actually felt fine loading wood into the stairwell yesterday… I worked 3 days this week. Worst thing is walking any distance. So in shop was manageable. If it acts up I can usually get it under control leaning back in a chair. But when I had to go to the other end of press room it got nasty a few times. :mad:
Never been to a chiropractor but everyone tells me it's a good idea.
Only used 1 once but it was awesome. Couldn’t stand up straight from low back pain. A few minutes, crack pop and out the door like nothing was ever wrong. Think I went bock for one readjustment… That had to be over 30 years ago before we moved here. There’s 2 docs at this local place. In business a long time…
Thing I've found with them is that you have to be in sync with the treatment path. If it doesn't feel right then it's time to find another. They all have different methods. Knowing what school of thought they subscribe to matters
Never been to a chiropractor but everyone tells me it's a good idea.
If something is out of place, all the pain killers in the world ain’t moving it back. Relaxer might let it move on its own, but I need something a bit more proactive. I don’t have any more paid days off to keep f-ing with this. I never understood why (from what I’ve seen) med docs don’t work with chiros. Most just want to prescribe more pills.
If something is out of place, all the pain killers in the world ain’t moving it back. Relaxer might let it move on its own, but I need something a bit more proactive. I don’t have any more paid days off to keep f-ing with this. I never understood why (from what I’ve seen) med docs don’t work with chiros. Most just want to prescribe more pills.
I don't go PKs. You're right that they didn't get to the source. I've been more abusive to my frame than most
My Chiropractor is as pretty as Memikes Barber. I have crawled in .... in pain and walked out. Better than pills
I went to my family Dr with a pain in my left side chest. Sent me to the hospital of course. Treadmill test. All ok. They turned me loose. Went to the chiro that afternoon and told her about my exciting morning. She checked it out and told me I had a rib out of place. She used that impact tool a dozen times in the area and I was fixed.
I went to my family Dr with a pain in my left side chest. Sent me to the hospital of course. Treadmill test. All ok. They turned me loose. Went to the chiro that afternoon and told her about my exciting morning. She checked it out and told me I had a rib out of place. She used that impact tool a dozen times in the area and I was fixed.
Impact tool? I bet you have the same one in your toolbox. :lol: