Stop in for a cup of coffee

I like this one complete with stripper pole

Andy must be in Florida. (He's the short one and my oldest) :rofl: :rofl:

Whatever happened to that hole in the Ozone layer that supposedly was caused by hairspray ?
Im not sure. I haven’t heard much about it anymore. They got rid of the original Aqua Net hairspray so maybe that helped. That stuff was crazy :lol: It took more than one wash to remove it all from your hair.
:rofl: That’s an interesting name for a school

Or a school bus company...

Some of our schools contract their bussing out to local bus companies...

I couldn't believe that they had that on the side of a bus and raced to snap a picture of it for proof... That's why it's a little blurry and not very well framed...
So, at one of my favorite cafes by the river they have a construction wall up because they are building a new walkway and railing and securing the shoreline. So today I found another Cafe with an unobstructed view of the river, except for the laundry hanging on the railing. LOL

It looks like they had problems getting enough studded Hoosier tires for the Late Models and Modifieds at Vado Speedway. They postponed Night 3 from Wednesday to Thursday for the Wild West Shootout. Looking at the weather guesses for that area, it may be postponed again.
Modifieds lined up for practice :lol:
Whatever happened to that hole in the Ozone layer that supposedly was caused by hairspray ?
Oh, the research project that claimed the hole in the ozone layer was getting bigger? I know a pilot that was involved. The scientist’s biggest concern was how long they could keep the research going. As far as the ozone thing, its always been there, and it wont change any discernable amount for centuries.