Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well that was wasted time backread. Not really. Good morning
Good morning

Same here . They gave me a cone to put on her , but no way fought me all the way.
We got a jumpsuit sort of thing, there was no way she could get it off. Covered the stitches very well. And keeping her from jumping was impossible. And outside time was the zipline in the front yard.
Just got back from the welding shop. 3’x4’ 14 gauge for shock towers. $75. Now i just need to figure out how i want to hack up this Mustang. Lets not forget, it was Pre-hacked.
  1. Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek?
    Because he was always spotted.
  1. Why don’t elephants use computers?
    Because they’re afraid of the mouse.
  1. Why did the scarecrow get promoted?
    Because he was outstanding in his field.