Stop in for a cup of coffee

What is it before I open it up ?
It is a page that creates anagrams from words that you enter. If you for instance enter "memike" it gives you all possible anagrams of that:

mike me
mike em
meek im
eke mim

These are all the possible 2-word combinations of the letters in memike.

"inlay boose ford" is an anagram of "for a bodies only".
What is this stuff, can anyone explain ?

it's the binary language of Bocce, as translated by C-3PO

It is a page that creates anagrams from words that you enter. If you for instance enter "memike" it gives you all possible anagrams of that:

mike me
mike em
meek im
eke mim

These are all the possible 2-word combinations of the letters in memike.

"inlay boose ford" is an anagram of "for a bodies only".

Thank you D :thumbsup: that is to cool ! Learned something today :thankyou:

It is letters coded in binary form, like a computer deep down sees them. The text reads:
"no you may not be excused !!!"
Oh my goodness ! to deep for me memike :popcorn:
I am back for the minute. DO I cook a venison steak or just go get something somewhere?