Stop Selling Your Cars To Overseas Buyers!!!!



'73 Dart
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Netherlands (Holland)
I live in Europe (at the moment) and here in Holland alone in the last year I've seen an alarming amount of beautifull muscle, luxoury and off-road vehicles
come this way, all American made. In the past six months I've seen two 340 Cuda's!!! Too many Challengers and Chargers, and all people do with ALL those cars here is make General Lee's out of em!! BLEGH!!!!

Too many being sold overseas!

Most people here don't apreciate lovely US domestics, please keep it in the US! One half gets rolled mat black (yes EVERYTHING from 70's coups to Caddy's) get red wheels and white walls and anything passes as a 'hotrod' stuff with a /6 is advertised as such, the other half gets turned into a G.Lee....

At this rate, with cars being pulled apart, crashed, let to rust apart in fields and being sold overseas, there won't be any reasonable numbers left in 5 years time and all of these beautifull vehicles will be only available to the uber rich, even as a fixer upper.

It's sad, I hate to see it happening. And every time I see a new ad for an American made car being brought over here I cringe...

Yes guys and galls, it's conservation time for the dying and no longer reproducing All American Vehicle. I'm not just talking Mopar, the others made plenty of beauties too and they're numbers are falling in the US just as rapidly and alarmingly.

Save your local domestic!

rant over.
Sorry, but I really don´t agree with you, at least here in Sweden we´re really taking good care of our enthusiasts cars.Regardless if it´s a Ford, GM or Mopar.
About 10 years ago, my friends father in law passed away. He tried to sell his car, (1965 Marlin) for 6 months with no interest. He listed the car on Ebay, it didn't sell, but he got emails from a guy from the Netherlands. He decided to let the car go overseas, and it was the best thing that could have happened to that car. This guy has a great collection of American cars and treats them better than most people here treat them.
I agree, some of the overseas guys are just as fanatical about these cars as we are, they are all Mopar "brothers" as far as I am concerned no matter where they live.


It is a free market(as it should be), and if someone wants to sell whats rightfully theirs, then more power to them.
Besides, the more that cross the ocean, the more ours are worth, and the more my wife will let me spend..

On that same note, if I hear one more person call me a "caretaker" of my car, I'm gonna scream. I'm not a caretaker, I'm the owner, and if I decide to cut off the roof, and put a 4x4 chassis under it, I will. It's MINE.
Obviously some of you didn't read my post very well.

Free market economy-hasn't worked well recently although I aint no commy either, that's a different topic though! lol

I'll agree with what's yours is yours, to do with as you please.

You can sell whatever you want to whomever you want obviously. I just believe the percentage of US cars in the US should be higher in the US than overseas. That stems from the belief that these cars were meant to be fun, fast and cheap(ish) to buy and maintain. I object to it becoming an elitist thing where only those with wads of cash can enjoy them in there showroom or collection. A car is meant be driven, 1 in a museum is enough. The rest should be driven.

This is the thing that is really really beginning to suck about being a gearhead. EVERYONE is all about the money nowadays. "Our cars will be worth more" it's not the joy of the vehicle it's what it does for your wallet. Same thing that's been going on the VW 'scene' for over 10 years, all of a sudden cars that were worth 500 bucks 10 years ago sell for over 5k now due to a fake scarcity or rarity created by people who strip cars for parts. It's a dirty trick and I'm sick of that sh*t.

Now, the above doesn't mean that US owners are any better. HOWEVER you guys do have the benefit of affordable parts. Every part for my A-body is special order and costs too much. Justify me 30 USD for a distributor rotor!!!

OBVIOUSLY there are those that take good care of their things etc. etc. etc. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. My point is that those people who make money over your or my back are jerks and make the already expensive hobby that much more costly.

Also as parts here are tremendously expensive very often perfectly good vehicles will be stripped and torn to pieces for parts because they are simply worth more that way. That's heartbraking.

Also before you hit on the "it's mine and I'll do what I want" rant, I could care less what you do with your car while it's yours, I'm not a purist, I hacked my rear wheel wells out of my Dart to make it a Hemi-style lookalike, where you send it is another matter. I'm not saying none should be sold overseas, on the contrary just the amount I've found alarming.

Maybe I'm all wrong and the only way to keep em' nice is in the hands of rich kids who drive em' once a year...


I was in Stockholm 3 weeks ago to buy a US car for the reason you mentioned, but you have to admit, there are plenty of raggarbils and veteranbils people are beating to sh%t just like here in the Netherlands. You guys represent both the best and the worst. Some of the stuff for sale in Sweden is breathtaking and priced thusly, other stuff is jawdroppingly awfull and neglected. In over 20 cars I saw the latter was predominant.
On the other hand, what's good, is really good. I'll be there next week or the following. PM with your location if you like.
Ok, stop sending your European cars over here.

If you Europeans agree to stop sending your BMW's, Jag's, Aston's, VW's, Mercedes, Porsche's, Audi's, Saab's and Volvo's to the US, we'll stop sending you American cars.

Then both economies won't have the need for agressive financing and shady competitive marketing and there won't be any need for bailouts.

Problem solved.

I understand what you're talking about but there's nothing we can really do about it. More and more I'm realizing that with anything in today's world whether it be the maltreatment of classic American automobiles overseas or hotly debated political issues, it's the people themselves who have to make the changes. I'm not putting you on the spot here but the only way for you or me or anybody to stop others from mistreating their cars is to convince them that what they're doing is wrong.
If a person puts in there mind to sell there car,for what ever reason,he/she sells the car to any one who puts the cash on the table,and agress to the price and thats it.They have already decided that the car is worth this,they get it,and they don,t really give a rats *** what that person does with it,as long as they have there money.If they sell it for more to a person across the pond,and they pay the shipping bill,buy more cars and sell them,go for it.The reason more cars are going across the pond is that the north american market is in the shiter,we are losing jobs,houses,saved money,the works,so people are bailing out what ever they can sell.Don,t blame the people for this,blame the goverments for screwing things up and sticking us with the bill,for their mindless spending.So when was the last time a goverment send a cheque for a grand to some one for no reason,just because they where a niece person,never,but they have their hand in your left pocket ripping off your left nut trying to get every last cent off of every one,mrmopartech

It is a free market(as it should be), and if someone wants to sell whats rightfully theirs, then more power to them.
Besides, the more that cross the ocean, the more ours are worth, and the more my wife will let me spend..

On that same note, if I hear one more person call me a "caretaker" of my car, I'm gonna scream. I'm not a caretaker, I'm the owner, and if I decide to cut off the roof, and put a 4x4 chassis under it, I will. It's MINE.

"...Caretaker...." (Listens for scream)
Hi there,
I come from Germany and the Guys I know here, especialy Moparfreaks, are a bunch of good Guys and they take really Care of their Cars!
I know what you mean, but like 340john says:

Better the Car went to a good Guy overseas, who take good Care of it, than it will sold in US for much less Money and will maybe taken as a Crashcar or something else!

Thumps up!! Don´t be worry about that Issue.
Hey you wild 13! haha, You're right, I just don't want another countries heritage to be sold to the highest bidder.

I'm fully aware of the awfull economic situation a lot of people are in, although I do believe this economic "crisis' is a load of bs. The economy is based on peoples faith and that's it. Everybody screams "it's all going to ****!" then guess what happens?

I dunno, at times like this I just wonder what the hell governments are up to worldwide. The numbers are insane, the dollar is heading in the direction of the Yen in terms of value and who gets screwed? The average citizen.
Thats right, sadly... but let us all step together and sve the Old Muscle´s!!!
When i have more money, will buy a second Mopar to save it:cheers:
Maybe a 66 Valiant 100.:toothy10:
Ok...I understand what you are saying. It is our heritage, we should keep the cars here for our kids and future generations so they have a chance to experience good old american muscle. Now I pose a question to you, say I have my 1970 340 Swinger for sale, most people in my area are into imports or 4X4's, so no offers locally. I advertise it online, no-one meets my reserve and then I get an offer from someone overseas. He has wanted that exact car for years and has to have my the price I want...what do I do ?
Wish I had gotten in on this post earlier!!! DQ81 if you don't think there is an economic downturn here in the US then please don't come back this way, its really bad so you will start seeing alot more cars going your way with the dollar being so week. But the minute you start telling people not to sell there cars overseas, sheesh sounds like Russia! I would love to see them all stay here but its your stuff do what you want to it. In reality, you haven't seen anything until you go to the middle east, thats were all the old cars are that are original, UAE is where the first production Hemi Cuda now resides. Guess how many buyers at the Barrat-Jacksons are over seas sellers? Here is a hint, the amount of buyers that are buying just for themselves 3 percent.

I have traveled all over the world in the Navy, I have seen some awesome Mopars and other US makes all over. So for the folks that I have hung out with via this board and some others Thanks and keep your cars running.
My 65 Barracuda will be eventually going to the Netherlands!. Yes true, but there's a story behind it. My wife says I (we - since her name is on the titles as well)) have too many cars (and she's probably right). So I decided to offer my 2 sons (with the oldest picking first) their choice of the 5 cars in my signature as their inheritance since my wife doesn't want to deal with them after I croak. My oldest chose the 65 Barracuda cause it's a V8 (273) 4 speed. My oldest son happens to live and work in the Netherlands since 1988 when he got out of the Air Force. Since the original 273 2 barrel has no oil pressure, I found a 66 273/235 horse motor for it, which I'm almost finished rebuilding. Of course I'll have to drive it around for awhile to make sure everything works as it should before he ships it back to the Netherlands. And the youngest son? He chose the 66 Barracuda.

It is a free market(as it should be), and if someone wants to sell whats rightfully theirs, then more power to them.
Besides, the more that cross the ocean, the more ours are worth, and the more my wife will let me spend..

On that same note, if I hear one more person call me a "caretaker" of my car, I'm gonna scream. I'm not a caretaker, I'm the owner, and if I decide to cut off the roof, and put a 4x4 chassis under it, I will. It's MINE.
HaHa!!Cut it!Cut it! And put it up on a 4x4 frame!You,ll fit right in with the Mt.people,dang old billygoat!!J/K!LOL!!
wow! that is a sign of a true gearhead! i salute you DQ81!:salute::supz:
Cheers wracks71! lol

65Dartman, if it stays in the family your exempt :)

Ok...I understand what you are saying. It is our heritage, we should keep the cars here for our kids and future generations so they have a chance to experience good old american muscle. Now I pose a question to you, say I have my 1970 340 Swinger for sale, most people in my area are into imports or 4X4's, so no offers locally. I advertise it online, no-one meets my reserve and then I get an offer from someone overseas. He has wanted that exact car for years and has to have my the price I want...what do I do ?

Even Ebay didn't work? Or is that how the overseas buyer found you?

I guess you sell to the overseas's all you can do. You tried your best...Per haps the title of this thread should be "buy more domestic muscle!!" I must admit, in your situation I'd sell to the overseas buyer. But thanks for getting my point. These cars are heritage and we should all be able to enjoy them.

It's kind of like the 'buy local' idea of the last 30 years, all the Mom and Pop stores went bankrupt because the Wallmarts and K-Marts underpriced them. You can see the globalization of the economy as the big guys killing a local guys chance. Perhaps 10 years ago you wouldn't have had as high a reserve and someone locally would have/could have afforded the car, but now you know what you can get for it and locally they just can't compete, again I fully understand you situation.

It's the age old toss-up between short term problems and long term goals, or what you NEED to do now and what you'd want to do long term.

Needs win over wants every day of the week.

I guess the reason I started the whole thread was I was shopping around for a Mopar on the local Ebay and Craigslist type websites and the amount of guys who get these cars el cheapo from the US in semi crappy condition, throw em' full of bondo, paint 'm mat black and then try sell them for as much as gorgeous cars is just plane disgracefull, worse still people buy them which validates the inflation.

Now I fully understand that there are exceptions to the rule, I was up at a guys place in Friesland (northern Holland) a few months back and he had a fine collection of Challengers, Chargers and 2 Superbee's, a Dart, a few Fury's etc. All in immaculate shape. He really had a passion for what he does and those cars are in good hands. But they ain't cheap either, you can buy a 5 series BMW fully loaded for that kind of money. That seems wrong to me for a car that cost maybe 5k USD when new.

Maybe I'm selfish, I'm planning on moving back to the US eventually as I am an American and I'd still like to be able to afford a fixer-upper Mopar, Ford or Chevy of any kind when I do, I want my kids (yet to be born) to be able to as well.

I realize personal economics and food on the table and paying the mortgage are what count in the day to day it's just a shame that it's come this far. It is however a direct result of thte Global economy which should be aloud to croak and rebuild as opposed to being bailed out time and time again, however that's a different discussion.

With the internet having solidified it's place in the worlds economy it's an inevitable anomoly in auto trading; globalization. It would happen if things were going good or bad.

I just feel strongly that, all round, at the rate things are going, there will be more Detroit steel rolling around overseas then in the US in 10 years time. And what's worse, who can blame ya?
I would love for someone from across the pond to buy my Charger.