Storing oil filters....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Had a discussion with someone a while back. I purchase all of my oil filters from
not uncommon for them to sit thru a winter before I use them. Some of them, the fuel filter for my diesel comes in a sealed plastic bag so this does not apply to that one. Have been doing this for several years now....anyhow, other side of the conversation was how this is not a good idea due to the moisture in the air penetrating the filter element. Filters are kept in an unheated garage, in a simple metal cabinet. Have never had an apparent issue yet....I do realize that if I were to become paranoid enough I could just simply put the filters in gallon Zip-Lock bags before putting them in the garage....

Anyhow, any body got any thoughts on this?

when I grab filters off the shelf in the store, they are not sealed in any way. im sure they get hot/cold and moist during storage and in transport. I wouldn't hesitate using them unless they have been dunked in a bucket of water LOL. don't know if oil filters have a shelf life lol
Fuel filters, particularly those for diesel or marine applications should block water and if not sealed in plastic when you buy them probably ought to be put in a ziplock or maybe even two of them if you're going to store them long term. I'm only concerned that oil filters don't get junk inside of them on the downstream side of the filtration media. A little water isn't going to cause any trouble unless you store the filter so long that it rusts out the filter can. Any engine will put more water in the crankcase as a natural by-product of combustion than you're ever likely to be able to condense inside of a filter sitting on a shelf.