Stranger Than a UFO Sighting



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
The past two evenings I spotted four youngsters playing ball in the street (soccer) and could not believe my own eyes. It's been a long time since I have witnessed a scene like that.

I can remember back in the '60's, playing so late that we could not even see the baseball it was so dark out. Parents had to drag me inside or I would still be out there trying to play to this day.
Yep, Playing baseball, football and hockey in the street. Moving the goals/bases when someone would yell "CARRR!" .

Great times!
At first our street was a dead end, until they decided to replace the remainder of the cherry orchard with ranch homes.
All the neighbor (boys and girls) kids would play the sport of the season. In the winter we would be sledding or playing hockey from dusk to dawn. Harry and I would play with slotcars all night long on weekends.
I never had an interest in any type of video game ! Still dont...
Yes, that certainly is unusual! Seeing kids play outdoors these days is almost non-existant. I was also one who, as a kid, was outside playing some sport or game with neighborhood kids until past dark. Some kids would even stay out so long, even after being called in a few times, their Mom would come and get them and march them back to the house twisting an ear lobe all the way. (Or so I have heard :))
My wife works with pre K kids at a school and none know any of the outdoor games that young kids used to know so she teaches them at recess. The kids think they are wonderful and we occasionally see some of her students playing outdoors.
Playing basketball until it got dark, then moving a block over to the half court that had a light. Also played over the line (never could get more than 8 guys at a time, or a real diamond) switching off mits as not all of us had one....When it rained we would usually get a mud football game out of it. Video games? Atari had barely been introduced and only the nerdy rich kids got one. F that, lets play some ball!
Shoot, we didn't even have hydro nor indoor plumbing til we moved to the city in' 60. I never even saw a TV until a few years later; but there were very few shows for kids. I was a bicycle rider and a skater. Solo activities.
Shoot, we didn't even have hydro nor indoor plumbing til we moved to the city in' 60. I never even saw a TV until a few years later; but there were very few shows for kids. I was a bicycle rider and a skater. Solo activities.
HA, I grew up on a farm, started working when I was 5---------the older I got the more I had to do !
Kids next door, I'd guess about 12 and 14 are out all the time.
Like my ex-wife, a second grade teacher, used to say: It's not the kids, it's the parents.
As did Willy Wonka!
Shoot, we didn't even have hydro nor indoor plumbing til we moved to the city in' 60. I never even saw a TV until a few years later; but there were very few shows for kids. I was a bicycle rider and a skater. Solo activities.
Same here...I was always on my bike. Even played hockey with it by sitting down on the crossbar and put one foot down and swing the back wheel around hitting the puck. Good times. Kids don't know how to have fun these days unless they're glued to a tv or a tablet.