stripped seat belt bolt



Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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new jersey
Hey all- really stripped the driver side bolt that holds the retractable seat belt assy. (looks like the one in the pic- totally f'ed up the torx ) are these able to be drilled out or any other suggestions- not a lot of room to work- sawzall is a possibility, risk chewing up new carpet. Any help?

Thanks- Ed
PS anyone got any laying around?


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Remove everything around the bolt and have a large nut welded to the bolt. If possible use a nut that slides tightly over the bolt. You should be able to remove the bolt with the increased area to put a socket on.
Not sure if this would work(depending on how tight the bolt is in), but couldnt you slot the bolt head with a dremel and use a screwdriver??
Not sure if this would work(depending on how tight the bolt is in), but couldnt you slot the bolt head with a dremel and use a screwdriver??

Same thought i had only i was thinking hack saw a slot. if that doesnt work cut two sides off and slip a open end wrench on it.
You are going to have to drill it and use an could cut a slot in it as mentioned but I reckon you would have close to zero chance of turning it with a screwdriver in most cases.I snapped off the bolt that ties the buckle to the floor in my 67 and ended up drilling the bolt and retapping the hole...
Grind the head to a oval and screw it out with visegrips or a small pipe wrench. Correct the threads in the hole with 7/16 NF
Hey everyone- thanks for all the input- I will try the extractor idea- really don't have much room to work since the retractor is in place and only have that round hole to work with. Thanks again
Or #2 solution, use a chisel and hammer, and hit it on the O/D , trying to force it loose (CCW). Lot's of bolt head to work with. Don't drill it out just yet!
All an ease out or extractor is likely to do is expand the bolt and wedge it against the nut around it and break the ease out off. Welding the nut on top of the bolt is by far the most excellent suggestion. It will WORK.
The heat from welding the nut on will break the rust loose on the threads. Be sure to get it out while it's hot.
The heat from welding the nut on will break the rust loose on the threads. Be sure to get it out while it's hot.
Good luck with the carpet. Keep the reservoir full and the fire brigade at bay.(slight exaggeration, but be prepared.My .02
All the best.
You are going to have to drill it and use an could cut a slot in it as mentioned but I reckon you would have close to zero chance of turning it with a screwdriver in most cases.I snapped off the bolt that ties the buckle to the floor in my 67 and ended up drilling the bolt and retapping the hole...

Well, there are always vise grips for leverage. Use a fairly long driver.(hopefully one with a Hex shaped shaft), lock on a set of grips, use one hand to hold pressure on the bolt head, and the other hand on the grips to turn the driver.
I've had very little luck with extractors or welding over the years.
One good thing about having that type of bolt head is still having a center or pilot hole. If you start by drilling a 3/16 hole all the way through the bolt, then follow that with a 3/8 drill. There will be only a hull of the bolt left. If that wont turn with extractor, and it probably wont , drive a keen little punch in behind it . I grind a special purpose point on a drift just for this chore.
The hull should split and curl into the hole. Grab that with the needle nose and remove it or just drive it into the rocker. You'll have only to run a tap though the hole to correct the threads.

This is a sure fire method even though pains taking. A broke extractor in the bolt is a bad day.
I think everyone is forgetting that these bolts are inside of a plastic box that there is no possible way to get a grinder,welder,vise grips or anything into unless he destroys his seat belt mechanism in the process! all he has to work with is a a rough 1 1/2" wide hole. Which is why I suggest drilling the bolt and easy out extracting it.

also, being that these bolts are about 2" long and that about half of the length of these bolts are shanked (not threaded) he can drill in half the length of the bolt and easy out before he would even have to consider worrying about swelling the threads into the actual nut mount of the car.

worse case scenario is that even IF he were to brake the head of the bolt off (which I highly doubt....mine were grade 8's) then he could atleast remove the seat belt retracting mechanism and have better access at the bolt.

I say drill and easy out.....of course it wouldnt hurt to let it soak in some penetrating oil before hand.

good luck