


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Vernon B.C
And not the Good kind...How do people strip off the Rock guard/Underbody paint everyone loves slapping 6 thick layers of on...I Figure Grinder with 80Grit sand paper on it but thats a bit slow is there a faster way...Remember i'm Looking up at this as i do it on my back on my garage floor lmao
I wish I could help, But I thought this thread was going some where ells =P~
I wonder if a spray on paint stripper would help loosen it up.
I heated mine with a small propane torch to soften it, then used a 3 in. scrapper to take it off. Then you really heat up the residue that is left and it will turn hard and crumbly then a wire wheel on a drill will get the rest.
I too used a torch and it went fairly quick. just keep in mind your neighbors might not like you for a while. :bootysha: smokey.
Thats no biggy but i'm doing it in a garage so i don't wanna choke to death either haha
butane torch/scraper has always been my method. I used to finish up with laquer thinner & a rag, but not so sure about the possible health ramifications of that anymore.
Its a miserable, shitty job anyway you slice it, but has to be done.
haha ya sounds like i'll be scraping and hanging under there with a prop torch :( gonna remove the gas tank and Exaust and Rear bumper/Brake lines before i do it tho...I find myself stripping my car apart the more i go into
I just decovered an abrasive disk called a 'quick-strip' disk by Norton abrasives that you put on a 4" grinder. Its absolutely incredible! I stripped an entire half of my front bumper of multiple layers of bondo and paint in just a couple of minutes. It leaves you with clean metal and does not appear to dig into the metal if you dont apply huge ammounts of pressure. I found it at home depot for about nine bucks. Im going to try it on the 'undercoating' that got sprayed on the inside of the trunk area on the body panels. Ill let you know how that goes.
Electric heat gun and a putty knife works to remove the majority of it.
I like a cement block to wipe the putty knife on.
After trying the Quick strip to take off the Undercoating, I went back to heat and a scraper. Afterwards I used the qickstrip for a final clean works great.
I used a propane torch and a scraper.... it sucked. If you still have any interior in there you could wind up with a carbeque if your not careful. All I'm saying is I wouldn't use a torch underneath if you still have the carpet on the floor or it will most certainly catch fire or melt on you.

About half way through I had my buddy come over and media blast it in my drive way. After which I promptly got a call from the HOA... :toothy10:

Electric heat gun and a putty knife works to remove the majority of it.
I like a cement block to wipe the putty knife on.

Use an electric heat gun as you will get less fumes, it works just as good, and is a bit safer. The cement block is also a handy tool to have. :-D