stroke vs driving



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Is just got back from the doctor he has pulled my license for 3 mounts just greet.All the cruise and shows and me being the only driver it it going to me killed me.
No buddies that would drive that pretty car to shows for you? If I was closer I would do it in a heartbeat for you.
Hey SSSSSnake!Hire a 16 or 17 year old kid to drive you to the shows. I am sure they would be happy to spin the tires of your car with you in it!!! LOLKeep up with your physical therapy as well as your Mopar Therapy.Art
Ya the kid thing sounds goodssssssssss,but the insurance wont allow it.Going physical therapy this afternoon.Thanks.
ya you can trade the ol' lady sexual favors for letting her drive it. thats a win, win in my book. lol.
My Dad's d/l was permanently pulled after he had the 5 strokes......
Sorry to hear this. I hope you can get back to driving soon
Man that sucks! Make sure you do what the doctor asks and you will be behind the wheel before you know it.
Hey buddy, the stroke didn't kill you so I know you can survive this. It's good to know you're doing ok but I hate that your liscence got pulled. If I was near you I'd definitely drive it for you.
Well take care of yourself and concentrate on getting back to health. These old cars aren't worth killin' yourself over. I just lost an old friend at just over 62, who's had several strokes and massive open heart surgery in the past
yea, my insurance is only good for me to drive the cars, maybe the therapy will go well and the time will be passed soon and still have lots of summer left, take care of yourself first, Joe
My grandpa had a stroke 2 years ago, he lost his license for awhile too, but he went to therapy and took the driver classes (he hated them) after that BS he got his license back and has been driving well over a year now. Only thing is that he can't drive at night. You will get though this Snake, I wish you the best and will send more prayers your way.
Thankssssssssssssss guys,well after my physio she said I could DRIVE I met all the requirements and past,we told her what our family doctor whated to do,he is the one the who said no driving foe 3 mounts,he did not do the paper work.Now she says she will right me a note for the Doctor.Now what do i do.
Sounds like your GP doctor just got out ranked Snake :cheers: She is the pro in this
situation and out ranks your GP doctor, I say take it slow and easy and show this to your insurance co.:thumleft:( or if you get pulled over) This IS some good new to see today Snake :thumleft:
Keep up the recovery and keep us informed as we keep you and Cindy in our prayers here on the hill in Arkansas..... Looks like you can drive now :cheers:
Well he probably was worried you might have another while driving. Your health is the most important thing. That said if it was me (I'm stubborn) I'd be driving lol
My Grandpa had the same thing happen, one doc said he could drive, the other said "No" he did lose his for about 3 months, this was his only stroke, and hopefully his last one, also pray that you don't have any more either Sssssnake :glasses7:
They don't have you on any anti-seizure meds do they? If so this might be why he does not want you behind the wheel. Until they get the med levels into a certain range you would be VERY prone to a seizure....