Strong language

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moving on ain't easy if you drive a Ford :p
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
Floral City Florida
Try to think of the other members before dropping the f bomb or anything too vulgar. a lot of us cuss like sailors..... but not when our mom or kid's are around.use your head :cheers:
There was a news story a week or two ago that explained that swearing makes you feel better. Although, I doubt swearing in print has the same effect...
It has the same F***** effect.

hell i feel better already.
What's stong language? I'm not familiar with this dialect.

I guess when your suspended you'll have time to research this.... :toothy10:

Seriously guys, we do have younger members and Women here, not to mention guys with better morals than most of us, whom do not appreciate the rough language. I can understand when your mad and it goes from lung-to-tounge, but really.... you have (should...) to think before you post.

I agree with WAGGIN. We have a hard enough time with the guys who LOOK for trouble, having to reprimand a good member is even harder....
How would you talk to your mother? Oh wait, bad example. :toothy10:
I grew up in a house with the f-bomb being dropped alot, or worse. As I grow older I have found alternative things to yell when working on my car, but still slip sometimes. You dont relize how bad it sounds untill you hear it from someone else or your own kids.(legal age)
Ouch you've never had to suspend me.I just thought it was funny it was spelled wrong and was razzing curtis.did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed.&$@""! Josh barnetts an whole is right above this lol
Darn! I agree, I can do with out the toilet mouth spewing :cheers:
Good move waggin :cheers:
Ouch you've never had to suspend me.I just thought it was funny it was spelled wrong and was razzing curtis.did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed.&$@""! Josh barnetts an whole is right above this lol

I was joking about your comment on not knowing what bad language is.... nothing more, nothing less. And no, I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed, nor am I going to suspend you. It was a joke, son...a JOKE.

But seriously, WAGGIN made a post that makes sense and I was just trying to back him up because I agree with him. But yes, it's not beneath me to send someone away on a weeks vacation for banging heads with me or another Moderator.... 8)
i,ll always show the site respect. After all we,re not lowlife cheby guys. and dont drive four letter f words. sometimes i wish i could stop the flow of what comes out of my mouth.
What The &*%$ did I spell &^%$#@! wrong This &^%$#@! time,This *&^%$#@ spell check is *&^%$#@ piece of *&^%$#@ &^%$,Where is The *&^%$#@ instructions for it? Oh *&^% it!!! Lol
Ouch you've never had to suspend me.I just thought it was funny it was spelled wrong and was razzing curtis.did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed.&$@""! Josh barnetts an whole is right above this lol
Doh!!!! I'm learning how to spell and edit mistakes at the same time Lol,Thank's Pete!
i thought stong was the language of the tong. thats why i didnt know the dialect lol. please dont sick the monkey on me
There was a news story a week or two ago that explained that swearing makes you feel better. Although, I doubt swearing in print has the same effect...

Wasn't this article about if you received pain and you cussed it made you feel better? like yelling obscenities when you stub your to, or place a toothpick in your toe and kick the wall. (that seriously is wrong, but I remember seeing a contest where someone one tickets to a concert to do this...I was like WOW)

Just playin.
I can swear like a dock worker, truck drivin, fisherman, redneck at times, but try to keep it in the political forum where it feels good to vent.
Just don't get like Moparts.
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