stuck up car show guys....

It's like that a LOT around here, because this area is saturated with Chevy guys. Not just Chevy guys, but the stupid ones. The ones that don't even hardly know anything about their own make. More money than sense always paying to get everything done and learning nothing. I gave up on the car show thing a long time ago. I used to go, but I got to where I wanted to punch people in the face, so I stopped going. When I get my rat truck done, I might go to some just to piss people off. lol
I don't bother with car shows any more.
I just go there to look and park my car in the parking lot.
Can anyone go to that show and look around??

Everyone is welcome....Just bring a car and find a place to park it or just go to look around. The City turns the streets around Dean's house over to the show and in fact them and the Fire Dept usually hang out there also. They always have BBQ pork for sandwiches and everyone brings a side dish and their own paper plates and utensils. People and cars drift in and out all day starting around 9 in the morning until late afternoon.
Haha, it's funny that you mention that. I live in Colorado too, and I was kicking around the idea of taking my car to a show. My car is nowhere near finished, rust bubbles here and there, greasy engine compartment, bare metal roof (tore off old vinyl.) I wasn't gonna do it, I was gonna wait until it looked a little nicer. Now since you say that, I'm gonna hit a few this year lol. I want to park next to the nicest looking car at the show.
I actually encountered a guy with a rat rod truck that was more than happy to show me every inch of it and explain how he did what so on and so forth. It was really awesome! I got too side tracked to finish snapping photos of it.


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Well I've been to several car shows this summer here in Colorado and I've gotta say I'm almost done with it. I thought having a car and getting together with other car guys would be really cool, you know talking car stuff and all that goes with it. But man I gotta say these guys are D--ks... I like anything a guy took the time to try and fix up, if nothing else just to save it from the junk yard, but these guys at these shows don't look at any other cars. They don't even know there are other cars at these shows other then there superior car. Whats up with that. Some of these guys are mopar guys too.
I was parked next to this young kid, who had a dart that looked like a duster and hadn't had the money or time to put into it just yet, but had a plan for future mods but was treated like he didn't belong in a car show, because his car wasn't finished.
I hope it isn't like this all over. I have more fun just cruising around. People are always waving and asking me about my car, without some s--ty tone in there voice...

Go to a Corvette show............ talk about dicks............
Yeah, I parked beside 2 minimal friendly cars yesterday (t-bird and a rod) and a really friendly 60's 300 owner. ..I saw them turn up their noses when I backed into the slot..

When anyone was remotely interested in our car (and most didn't read the poster), i would just point to my daughter and told the it was her (and her brothers) car..

Made for interesting conversations. There were the usual punters there but we met some really nice folks..I will post later but it was at a low key rockabilly cars show with great entertainment..I chose this venue for Lafawnda's coming out...hadn't even had time to clean the engine bay (kept it closed) but not time to was the paint..

Oh, for judging, there was on;y one category..and it was a 2 day event..

Maybe one or 2 more low key shows this year..
Wow reading all this I'm happy with the car shows here! There are one or two I've come across that are pricks, but 99.9% of really nice guys! We even help each other clean each others cars if someone came in late or forgot their supplies.

My I'm the complete opposite. I don't care what make the car is at a car show, I'll enjoy it (granted any old school muscle gets more attention). I even have a sign telling people they can sit in my car and have their picture taken (I mostly do this for the kids).

The last car show I was at, all the judging was done by the participants on each others cars. Granted I think people with more friends in the car show world got higher votes than they should of but for the most part it worked quite well!
I do all my own work and I drive everywhere, no trailers. No, my cars aren't perfect. Far from it. But I also get to enjoy them pretty much every day of the year. Rain, snow, whatever, I'm driving one of my cars. That's what I enjoy, not the opinion of some guy that wrote a check for some factory correct whatever that looks exactly the same as every other factory correct whatever out there and spends 99.9% of its time in a climate controlled garage.

X2 on the nose.

I'd much rather go to a guys house, hang out in the garage and pick a project to knock out than go to shows for pretty much any reason.
They are ok for about 20 min. then I'm on my way.
I don't take car shows seriously anymore, but I attend when I can. There are always enough who take it deadly serious and I avoid them like the plague. I usually register, and when possible I don't post the entry card on the windshield so my car doesn't dilute the votes for those who do enjoy the competition. I have boxes full of trophies and don't want any more.

Most shows have a bunch of nice folks attending and I usually find someone friendly to talk to, but if I don't, or if the neighboring car owners are obnoxious, I just leave. No use getting upset over things you can't change and are relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
I don't take car shows seriously anymore, but I attend when I can. There are always enough who take it deadly serious and I avoid them like the plague. I usually register, and when possible I don't post the entry card on the windshield so my car doesn't dilute the votes for those who do enjoy the competition. I have boxes full of trophies and don't want any more.

Most shows have a bunch of nice folks attending and I usually find someone friendly to talk to, but if I don't, or if the neighboring car owners are obnoxious, I just leave. No use getting upset over things you can't change and are relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things. point in getting all fired up over something you can't change....and simply does not matter...
Come to more Canadian shows! We're just happy to have cars show up :D

My friends and I make jokes when brand new off the lot cars come to shows and the only vehicle we wished didn't come to a show was a beat up Chevy pickup belching smoke and pouring antifreeze all over the ground.

Other than that even project cars have places at our shows! Williams Lake even has a "Best Project Car" trophy!
I have run into a few of the snobs...not many, but a few. My Caddy is usually received relatively well, I have never seen anyone react badly to my wife's Grand National. My friend's AHB Diplomat got some odd reactions, usually from people not familiar with it.

But his brother's car got the funniest reactions: a 1991 Mazda Miata with an LS1 and T56. People just get confused when they hear what sounds like a Corvette with headers and see a Miata. Best reaction was the time he was parked next to a Superformance Cobra...the guy called a V8 Miata a "modern Cobra". (And really, it's basically the same idea...)
Whats up with that. Some of these guys are mopar guys too.

Yeah, no doubt. If you see a group of mint B or E bodies next to a bunch of big-bellied, hawaiian-shirt-wearing dudes in beach chairs, go the other way. LOL I usually don't do the car show scene, or if I do, I won't bring my car.....just walk thru and observe. A lot of the lower-grade hamburger stand cruises are nice and have a lot of "in progress" rides.
Went to a poker run last night. It used to be no cars before a certain year, the group doing it used to make remarks about my granny mobile(67 Dart 270, 4 door). Now about half the cars are newer Mustangs, Camaros, Vettes and Challengers. They have their car show today, didn't even bother to go and look, cause it too is full of newer cars. The tuner cars don't bother me as much as they are actually doing something to their cars, not just making a monthly payment.
perhaps car shows, ultra egos, cheap little trophies, attitudes, more money than sense...... then again........ther are those that are
genuine people that truly love their cars, learn all they can about it, do all the work on it they possible can, drive it for it is a CAR, respect other people, aren't purebred a--h----..... I've seen all types at car shows, NEVER shown any I've owned....... meet some great people...... but usually NOT at the car show!! LOL
I have not run into that snobby attitude around here (Connecticut). But then again, I don't usually go to judged "shows". There are lots of cruise nights, they are almost always fun and anyone can participate. Sometimes trophies are given out, but it isn't a huge deal.

Agreed! Cruises are more fun. I will go to a show but will not enter my car.
As a matter of fact, today there was a show at a local Dodge dealer. My wife and I walked around and only notice a few different cars that the last show we went to. Pretty monotonous.
I have run into a few of the snobs...not many, but a few. My Caddy is usually received relatively well, I have never seen anyone react badly to my wife's Grand National. My friend's AHB Diplomat got some odd reactions, usually from people not familiar with it.

But his brother's car got the funniest reactions: a 1991 Mazda Miata with an LS1 and T56. People just get confused when they hear what sounds like a Corvette with headers and see a Miata. Best reaction was the time he was parked next to a Superformance Cobra...the guy called a V8 Miata a "modern Cobra". (And really, it's basically the same idea...)

Love the Grand Nationals!

The Miata with a v8!! Pics please! That sounds like one fun ride!!
Come to more Canadian shows! We're just happy to have cars show up :D

My friends and I make jokes when brand new off the lot cars come to shows and the only vehicle we wished didn't come to a show was a beat up Chevy pickup belching smoke and pouring antifreeze all over the ground.

Other than that even project cars have places at our shows! Williams Lake even has a "Best Project Car" trophy!

...must be the BC pot...Marc giving out freebies ? :)

..mixed car shows seem to be better..only been to a couple of single brand shows ...seem to be too serious..
Hey now ..... Ill have you know I have a trophy winning car ....... lol. I went to a cruise-in last night and won Best Mopar......... well it did just get done raining and all the Really Nice Restored cars didnt show up, they drove there new Chally's and Chargers so mine was by far not the best Mopar .....but I did noticed they gave out awards to the 69 Mach1 and the 70's Nova and an old truck.. So I do give the cruise- in folks props for giving credit to the guys and gals who actually got there cars out on a Not so nice day.

BUT I do want to say our area has a large Mopar group of people ( our club alone can support a show with around 25+ cars ) and at one time had several first placed cars judged at the Nationals... and these are some of the nicest folks around and would not snub any of ya'all at a show. Hoosier Hospitality I

We all ( our club ) prefer cruise in as to shows but when I do go to a show getting a trophy is the last thing on my mind ......( cause i see who judges. most don't know nothing about nothing they just see pretty.) We just like hanging out and talking.
I never expect to win any awards with my car, that is why I feel proud when I do. My car is far from perfect, it's a driver not a show car.

What is nice though is all the people at car shows around here are nice and accepting even though my car is far from being stock like most of theirs and instead looks like it came out of a cracker jack box.

That's why I don't want to go down to the Mopar Madness in Langley. Because those are all diehard mopar fans and I know my car wouldn't be accepted very well. (even though I have a personal invite every year from the couple that started the very first Mopar Madness show!).

I prefer the smaller local shows. I like seeing what cars are hiding all around the backyards!
Never had a problem at a car show. Though that could be because I am there to have fun and don't read hidden meanings in what people say. So it could be some one tried to give me a hard time but I was oblivious to it.
Last year I visited my brother who lives in Lakewood CO. They know I like Mopars and working on one. My nephew likes cars also, mostly chevy, but hey...... Anyway, the Mile High Nationals at Bandimere was that weekend, and there was a car show for mopars in Golden, CO. Well, the one side of town had ALL OF THE Vipers there, no other cars. Did I take pictures of them...Hell no. I was looking at MR. Norms 69 Hemi Dart with the Dana 60 and the plastic windows, the offset intake manifold. Those cars were the ones I was looking at taking pictures of. Just an observation.