Stuff That Fixes Itself



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Do you have any examples?

Here is mine: The driver's side electric door lock on my '96 Dodge Dakota (purchased new by Dad) has been on the blink for I don't know how many years now. Two days ago, I pulled out of the WalMart parking lot onto the street and I heard a loud click sound. Well, the door locks had activated all on their own. This vehicle does not have the feature that locks the doors automatically, so I suspected a ghost.

While I drove around town the rest of the morning running some errands, I kept trying the previous malfunctioning door lock switch over and over again and it kept working. When I got home, the door lock was dead. Went out driving today and it seems to have repaired itself again, working just fine. One fine day, I had planned on trying to change the switch out, but maybe I won't have to do that after all.

The light on the transmission tunnel that illuminates when the four-wheel drive is engaged failed to work for a long time also. Then one day I slammed it into four-wheel drive and it began working like a champ ever since.
My Son started working again after not for a long time.
Does that count?:D
My Son started working again after not for a long time.
Does that count?:D

Yes. Along those lines, after years of doing nothing but living off others, my son is over HALFWAY through with his automotive courses at UTI in Phoenix. He has made nothing but As in all his classes and has excelled greatly at computer diagnosis/driveability. His welding classes are coming up......I told him when he was thinking about this to take welding as a backup so he'd always have a trade regardless of the outcome.
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The people bugging me to pay my bills
I got one the other day, it said "final notice"

I'm assuming after this one they will stop bothering me
Wife left the sunroof open on the jeep...SOAKED THE entire dash, GPS, DVD, etc...
Dried out a few days and magically worked again. :p
Not really pertaining to this as my nephew still doesn’t work. He told my wife he hid 3 dollars in the front room several months ago and was laughing that no one found it yet. I laughed and told him I hid the trash cans on the side of the house four years ago and he still hasn’t found that, he stopped laughing.
Not really pertaining to this as my nephew still doesn’t work. He told my wife he hid 3 dollars in the front room several months ago and was laughing that no one found it yet. I laughed and told him I hid the trash cans on the side of the house four years ago and he still hasn’t found that, he stopped laughing.
Time to kick his sorry *** out on the street and try and make it in this world. Sorry hand outs as you're a big boy now.