Stupidity strikes again...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Couple of weeks ago I went out for a bike ride & left my wallet home. Was able to limp home without running out of fuel, good thing as the wife was not home and it would have been a long walk....I took some money, stuffed it into a small container and put it under the seat, where the battery resides. Never gave anything, like the fact that the + battery cable did not have a boot on the cable end. Had an errand or two to run, what I needed to pick up would easily fit in my back pack so I took the bike. Cruising down the road and it died...WTF, here we go again....but this time the speedo went out and the blinkers were dead. Coasted to a stop in a parking lot, as I was putting the kickstand down could not help but notice the smoke...Sure enough, the container holding my "safety" money had managed to wiggle down behind the battery......forcing the + terminal into the oil tank, cooking the new battery......Will post pictures when I get it off the trailer......of course my 100 pound ramp was not on the trailer, so Ernie had to fight with it to get it on....and she has no idea how ratchet straps worked.....but she manged to get the ramp on the trailer, tie it down and round up the rest of the bike towing junk and came to town to pick my *** up....and just to add insult that heavy *** ramp and my hand had a bit of a misunderstanding.....the ends of two of my fingers are numb....
Maybe 4 wheels are more to your liking?
Damn dude, you need to come up north to Indy at the end of the month. Sounds like you need a vacation.
Damn,sorry to hear.Another frustrating setback.

Yep.....hopefully just the battery got cooked. Got it off the trailer without dropping it, so I guess that is a good thing. Got a feeling I will be going to the doc about my fingers on Monday, the tips are pretty damn numb.....

Maybe 4 wheels are more to your liking?

Going to be a long time before I get to that thing....if it is still here, have a local guy interested in buying it.....

X2! :eek:ops: If it makes ya feel any better I lost my keys last Sunday for about 2 hours, they were sitting on the hood of my Ramcharger.

Well where else would they have been?

Going to hook it up to a trickle charger tomorrow to see if everything still works. If so, going to order another battery. I took the seat off the other day to check the oil and told myself that the container with the cash was going to a problem, but being a knucklehead I just put the seat back on and forgot about it.....Oh well. not the first stupid thing I have done......won't be the last....
And people wonder why we flip out on occasion. :D

When I took the seat off in the parking lot and seen what happened the only thing I could do was laugh. Might not be laughing tomorrow if I smoked everything.....but that is another story.......
Oh crap..... That looks like a AGM battery too. Not cheap.

is the one that I nuked and will be its replacement. Have not seen a better deal on that particular size battery. I want to get the software and cable so I can go into the ignition and see if it is set for 3 dead cranks as it is still a b*tch to start some times. If it is set for 3 dead cranks I will be putting compression releases eventually. When it is hot and only sat for a few minute, getting gas lets say, when I hit the starter button I just get a bit of motor turning over then a very loud thunk. If you hold the starter button down it will make this odd humming sound and then as soon as the crank starts to move it is running. If you let go of the button and bump it again it will fire right off. Really would like to put the next size bigger battery in it but there is just zero room.
Only damage looks to be my finger, the battery and the cable end. There is a blob of lead on the bottom of the battery tray. The cable was way long so having to cut the end off is not going to be a big deal. Getting it out with the oil tank still in there is going to be if only I can keep from shutting the front door on my finger tip......


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