Summit Wine Voucher?



Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
anybody else get a wine voucher with their summit order?

i opened up my order to find a $100 voucher for naked wines. granted, i don't order a whole bunch from them but this is a first for me.
I get them with almost every order. I throw them away.
I've gotten them with Eastwood orders too. There are a few wines I like. I have found them through years of trial and error. If I want some wine, I go to my local Devlin's Liquor store to get it. They have a HUGE wine section. I can't imagine mail ordering unknown wines.
I get them with about every order, I just trash them.

And the summit racing stickers go to my granddaughter, she loves stickers.
There is Summit stickers on everything around here, never know where one will turn up, inside the refrigerator etc.
I sure miss the good old days. I didn’t have to buy a razor or blade for over five years with all the free razors I got from them. And the 5 hour energy came in real handy a couple of times. Got more hats than I could have ever used but friends enjoyed them.