Super 6 kickdown Carb Connect

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Feb 25, 2011
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Looks like i'm missing a part :( Theres about five inches between my kickdown linkage and the carb. missing the part that looks like five inch long, inch wide piece of metal with a slot milled out in the middle on the end of it. The upside is the new carb is smooth as butter idling away :) In desperate need of this part, as the Dart is my Daily Driver. anybody have an extra one floating around?
Scratch that, the part was incorrect, Still need this, and I need it yesterday! A little help!?
got the whole set up if want i changed my 6 to an 8 i feel u pain,im waiting for my new one still

Let me know
It shouldn't be that tough to make. It's just flat steel plate.

Shouldn't be, if I had a template and a mill and bandsaw, but I don't. Would there happen to be a template of that piece floating around the site? I didn't find anything in the search, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Had a parts car with Super Six parts in the trunk. See if any of this is what you need. I dont even know if these are super six parts.........I just keep every thing.


  • Picture 552.jpg
    140.4 KB · Views: 85
Had a parts car with Super Six parts in the trunk. See if any of this is what you need. I dont even know if these are super six parts.........I just keep every thing.
Those parts look correct for the factory 2bbl setup. I have the same parts but only as part of a complete 2bbl changeover.
Thanks, Mark
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