Super Blue 72 Dart Swinger



Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2013
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Hi everyone I’m from Indiana.
I’ve had a 72 Swinger for 30ish years.
Putting it back together over the winter.
I miss not driving the old car, and I’m probably gonna beat it around with old paint next summer and focus on drivability and reliability, as I haven’t drove it since the late 90s
It’s caged and all steel except hood. Street car, and I raced it at mainly 1/8 mile tracks in the mid south. Drove to work occasionally, and mainly a weekend warrior.
Anyways it’s got a ton of parts lying around, and I managed to get the engine sorted out, and assembled the long block over the summer.
Looking forward to getting back in the saddle and enjoy it again.
May have some questions, and I’m sure there’s a wealth of info you all have, and hopefully steer me in the right direction.
Sincerely 12
By the way I Joined years ago, and actually back burnered the Dart as I was putting in quite a few hours into a 71 Challenger I built a engine for and pretty much went through the car, and just wrapped up, a since last winter strip and paint, and have it nearly done. A year later!
It turned out to be a great driver, so it was time to freshen up the car.
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Welcome glad you came back can ya post some pictures of your cars would like to see them...
Welcome glad you came back can ya post some pictures of your cars would like to see them...
There not much.
Here is the engine for the Dart. My avatar is from a few years ago, with a failed 340 project. I had a backup hard hitting engine on the back burner, it just needed sorted, and some machine work to assemble it. So it’s ready to drop in the Dart.
The 340 got gone through, I decided to use some nice parts I had laying around in it, and it’s a backup engine now.
The engine compartment for the Challenger pic I’m wrapping up most of it today, firing it up after a break, due to all the paintwork, and it goes back to my buddies paint shop, and he puts fenders hood bumpers grille etc... back on.
Nice Challenger and love the color it's about the same color as my Scamp.
I'm still putting mine together and still painting parts.
Love the 440 6 pak.
It was this for the other 15 years I had it.
It’s been in need of a paint job for the last 5 years, so I’ve been enjoying the car as summer beater.
I’m relinquishing that position to the Dart, the Challenger ls too pretty to beat. Plus I built it for my wife.

This is my first restoration of my own did a few working in a body shop so the body is the easy part but redoing the drive train and building an engine I have no knowledge on.
I’m no expert either. Just watched a few episodes of graveyard carz.