Superdart340:: In the hosipial



Jul 7, 2009
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Guys went to the emergency room on dec 27 with severe pains in my lower stomach i thought i was dying.after some test i was diagnoised with diverticulitas and two pockets ruptured and was sendind poison into my body.been on antibiotics to help the infection i'm far from out of the woods and am pretty scared right now please pray for me thank you sd340
Sending some prayers for you now SD. Get well soon!!
Whoa, that not fun stuff!!! The Mrs. is a med tech and she isn't speaking highly of the affliction. Of course we're praying for you for a speedy recovery, so please take it easy and get well soon. You probably aren't feeling so super right now, but our hope is that our prayers will be answered and you will be on the road to recovery soon!!! Take care of yourself, Geof and Nella
Wow Superdart340,hope you get better! Sending my best wishes out to you my friend.
Be sure to take care of yourself. That is some serious stuff you got going on.
Having suffered from paratinitis in 2004 and having 13' of my intestines removed I can honestly say I KNOW what your feeling. The most important thing you need to do is not upset yourself too much because I have been told the more stress you are under the worse it could get. Prayers are already on your way from me and my family. Try to rest up and do not stress yourself. Take your antibiotics and rest your body. If the Dr. prescribed you Flagyl and Cipro then these antibiotics are very good and should clear up the infection. If you need to talk please just P.M. me. Take care and keep us all updated. - Tom
Dang Bob. I knew somethin had to be wrong cause I ain't heard from you since I mailed your box out. It should be there this week. Take care of yourself man.
Been there SuperDart.......It's a real bummer and painful.......BUT, they can take care of the infection, and put you on a road to comfort and health.

I'll be prayin' for ya'.......The pain and anxiety is pretty scary, but it'll pass.....hang in there man...... 8)
Been there too amigo...stay the course the DR's lay out for you and all will be well in a short time....... you may have to go on a few different ANTIBIOTICS to get right....but do what they say and for the love of God DO NOT DRINK ANY ALCOHOL while on the ANTIBIOTICS....Alcohol negates antibiotics...renders them useless....ask your DR , do what he says, take the meds and you should be fine......I have had that crap for 25 years...cant eat nuts, or popcorn to this day.... big deal small price to pay for NOT having that lower stomach pain.... rest up, drink lots of fluids( not beer or booze )
you'll be up & around in no time
Been there and more, good advice about stress, be patient and keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel. Prayers sent.
Wow prayers sent for ya superdart, one thing that helps me when I am scared is nurse boobs, channel all your energy into getting better and the boobs!! Keep us posted
Prayers sent for a quick recovery Superdart340, Like said ealyer do not drink any alcohol at all
and rest while we keep the prayers going.