Support NJ Bill to eliminate front license plates



I used to reMember
Jul 11, 2011
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Eastampton, NJ
Hey NJ peeps, there is a bill set in our state to eliminate the requirement to have a front license plate. Please contact our reps to ask them to support it. Check out this link:

Here is what I sent:

Hello Sirs,

I ask that you support the bill to change the requirement to have two license plates on NJ registered motor vehicles. There is no need for this extra expense in today's age. Especially for older vehicles such as the three vintage cars that I own (1967 Plymouth Barracuda, 1968 Plymouth GTX and 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner).

You were wise enough to reduce the motor vehicle inspections on our daily driver vehicles, thereby saving us all a lot of money. This Bill would save us money as well as trouble.

Keep in mind too that the front license plates get sand and bug blasted, making them look like crap. This is the image NJ registered cars have when we travel out of state. If we eliminate the need for the front plates, we will portray a better image when we travel beyond our borders.

As a past PA resident, I know that other states never saw a need to have redundant plates, while being fully capable to identify the cars/owners with a single rear plate.

Bryan Smith, PE, LtCol, USAFR(ret)