


69 Darts Rule
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
well this wensday on the 26 i go in for knee surgery 1-2 weeks down
then on the 2nd of june i go in for herina surgery 1-2 weeks down
not a big fan of this but hell its got to be done
this sucks
Eddie, hang tough. You'll get through it. Just make sure the computer is close at hand. Think of all the extra FABO time you'll get in. ;)
well this wensday on the 26 i go in for knee surgery 1-2 weeks down
then on the 2nd of june i go in for herina surgery 1-2 weeks down
not a big fan of this but hell its got to be done
this sucks

Hope you do well

Had knee surgery in Sept and still not 100%, need to do more threapy. Make sure you do what they tell you.
Not fun, but like you said it's got to be done. One good thing, you're getting both surgeries at around the same time instead of having two separate down-times.
Had the knee surgery several years ago but never a hernia. I've been working on perfecting the hemroid transplant procedure but haven't been able to find any recipients. When i had the knee done they were pretty free with the morphine. Word of caution. They poked me every where the normal people would get poked so i ask them if they could poke me somewhere else. NEVER let them poke you in the front top of the leg. THAT HURTS. Take it in the as....i mean butt.
Small Block
I,ve had a few knee surgery,s and the hernia done,just not at the same time.Eat lots of bran,it helps!LOL Good Luck!
Good luck man. They probably know what they're doing these days so I wouldn't worry too much. :-D
All the best to ya with the body work lol. Just think what it would be like if it wasn't done! Ya gotta look on the bright side. Keep your chin up. Mike
I hope that goes well for you, I had back surgery 2 months ago and still haven't fully recovered. If you're like me you'll go crazy with boredom :munky2:
I hope that goes well for you, I had back surgery 2 months ago and still haven't fully recovered. If you're like me you'll go crazy with boredom :munky2:
How is your back Rob?I just had another MRI done for my lower lumbar issues.Hope all is well.
Glad to see you made it in and out of there Motopsycho
I hope the healing process goes by fast for you, the first one is behind you know bud :cheers:
Howd everything go? You OK?

I gotta tell you, everytime I go to get parts I think "Damn, too bad Eddie doesn't live around here". :)