Surprise gift!



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
Well, I was a little concerned yesterday when one of FABO's local to me member called needing to see me immediately. Thinking the worst, I waited nervously for him to show up, and was momentarily mortified when he dropped a package for me on my desk. It's not that people are out to get me, but you never can be too careful... I'm old enough that anything is possible.

Imagine my surprise when I opened it and found this inside. I couldn't be happier, and although my wife wants it for herself, I think I'm going to keep it instead.

Check it out. And to our recovering member nuttyprof, a huge thanks and a smile go out to you this day. Hoping your recovery is swift, and your new venture is monetarily successful lol..

Thanks Dave,



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WOW Grant!!! That had to put a step in your day right there :bball::D
X2 on wishing his recovery is swift, and his new venture is monetarily successful :happy1:
That was very nice of nuttyprof, Best wishes for you from here on the hill :thumblef:
Only a hard-core Mopar guy would jump for joy at a dusty carb, but a TQ that isn't warped or rusty is golden.
Krazycuda we have a winner! It is the Plum Crazy doily that nuttyprof crocheted!

I was just looking for something around the office that I could display on it haha. $10 '77 400ci TQ. The girl at the local pick and pull wanted $20 for it, but I showed her the secondaries wouldn't open (fingers on the linkage while she verified lol).

The doily is worth much more than the carb :)

Thanks for the compliment!!!:glasses7: It just happened that I used that color, didn't think about it being "plum crazy purple".

Grant, I was just to ask if your wife was going to have a fit if she saw that dusty TQ on your doily, lol!

Good job nuttyprof!
Grant, I was just to ask if your wife was going to have a fit if she saw that dusty TQ on your doily, lol!

At first I wasn't sure if nuttyprof would be ticked lol.. I did clean the bottom of the carb first though :)


Also, my wife is used to it. I have been detailing all my Laser pieces in the kitchen, laundry room, and have a plethora of parts scattered both inside and outside. She occasionally grumps about my brother's 383 on stand in our storage area, but not a word about MY two 340 blocks sitting beside it haha.
It's a tough crowd Leanna. I think everyone just wanted to give your ribs a little poking :)

At first I wasn't sure if nuttyprof would be ticked lol.. I did clean the bottom of the carb first though :)


As long as you cleaned it off first it's all good to me. I'm glad you got a kick out of it! If you had gotten it greasy already I'd have to send you a bill!!!:protest: Ha Ha! I just sent it for fun because you made the comment in my "plate" thread.

Krazycuda we have a winner! It is the Plum Crazy doily that nuttyprof crocheted!

I was just looking for something around the office that I could display on it haha. $10 '77 400ci TQ. The girl at the local pick and pull wanted $20 for it, but I showed her the secondaries wouldn't open (fingers on the linkage while she verified lol).

The doily is worth much more than the carb :)


"The girl at the local pick and pull wanted $20 for it, but I showed her the secondaries wouldn't open (fingers on the linkage while she verified lol). "

That is funny....Wrong, but funny
I love happy Mopar endings! It's like a Disney movie.