Suspended from Moparts



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
Well it was about time that I experienced firsthand how one gets suspended from Moparts after hearing about their "allegedly" Gestapo-like tactics/heavy hands. I finally tried to participate (almost two years after signing up) in one of the forums (Street Rodder). I posted a couple of pics of my '35 Ply coupe which is in "project mode" and mentioned that when people see it, they say that "it is going to make a nice rat rod". I mentioned (in my post) that I like rat rods alot but this was not the direction I was going in with my car and pointed out a sticker on the window ... which got me suspended. Yes, it did have the "F" word in it but it was all in fun and fits the car in the stage that it is in. In case you are wondering, the window sticker read, " It's not a f'ing rat rod ... it's just not finished."

So, I recived a PM from one of the Mods who chastised me, gave me a slap on the hand and said,

"You can't possibly think that posting the "rat rod" sign pic was appropriate, can you?

Your account is being suspended for a week, pending receipt of this PM. Do anything like that again, and it'll be permanent."

So, now I know how it feels and ... I'm ok with it. Golly-gee, what am I going to do without a week of Moparts. Let's see, we're at the cabin for the next four days and then I am in Chicago for the following two days. It's that last damn day that is going to be trying. :bootysha::thebirdm::bootysha:
Wow sounds like you were a really bad boy! You'll have to post the pic here see if the mods slap ya or give ya a thumbs up:cheers: Boy hope you get some rest, don't let this spoil your holiday! (sense some sarcasim there LOL!) You think the mods there would have bigger things to take care of than a picture of a "fricking" sticker. Enjoy your days away at your cabin8)
Thanks guys. That last post took me almost 15 minutes to bang out on my iPhone. Big fingers and a little keypad don't mix. Mac, you really thought there was some sarcasm in my post. Gee ... I just don't see it. ;-) Have a good Labor Day Weekend everyone!
Go ahead... post that picture. I double dog dare you! :-D

Enjoy your weekend!
Getting suspended form Moparts is like being dumped by a fat chick. Who the f**k cares!

I left Moparts several years ago when BK started and I havent been back.
its like kindergarden over there. tom has to keep all his suck *** sponsors happy and you never know a stupid pic of a sticker like that could possible offend one of them... don't want tot do that or he may not be able to afford his new challenger.

shame the sponsors don't know how the moparts real following is. this was at carlisle and looked like this all weekend. you would think with 9000 members that someone would show up at the tent. just shows what people really think of that joke of a place.

carlisle 08 245.jpg
DAMN! Did he go on vaction without posting the bumper sticker? Why that no good dirty rotten tease.

AND FOR SURE! Lets see that '35 car!
It cracks me up, who cares what mofarts does to your account. I get more out of the other sites anyway. I really only enjoy the truck forum over there and it lacks drama for the most part.
I wonder how they'd feel about our Hot Mopar Babes thread over there? :finga:
once bitten twice shy.Thats nothing I was a member once at,and got an e mail about spelling and gramer.So i cant spell not sussspended but felt like crap.O well this home now.please excuse the spelling.have a good time with out us.
I wonder how they'd feel about our Hot Mopar Babes thread over there? :finga:

the asses over there go crazy and delete threads with nice girl pics there. and if there happens to be a good looking chick member they pm the girl and hit on them..
It cracks me up, who cares what mofarts does to your account. I get more out of the other sites anyway. I really only enjoy the truck forum over there and it lacks drama for the most part.

i agree. they banned most of the members that had the knowlege.
this was at carlisle and looked like this all weekend. you would think with 9000 members that someone would show up at the tent. just shows what people really think of that joke of a place.
You can tell by the photos this was not an early morning photo, the shadows are long enough for it to be mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Where's the people that are supposed to be manning the tent? Are the coolers closed 'cause the beer's all gone? Or was it Sunday morning and they were all in church?
You can tell by the photos this was not an early morning photo, the shadows are long enough for it to be mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Where's the people that are supposed to be manning the tent? Are the coolers closed 'cause the beer's all gone? Or was it Sunday morning and they were all in church?

coolers only had water from what i hear. tent was like that just about all weekend. funny i have a pic like that from last year also..
the asses over there go crazy and delete threads with nice girl pics there. and if there happens to be a good looking chick member they pm the girl and hit on them..

Let's not even go there!!! You can see where I happily spend my time. LOL!!!!
You can tell by the photos this was not an early morning photo, the shadows are long enough for it to be mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Where's the people that are supposed to be manning the tent? Are the coolers closed 'cause the beer's all gone? Or was it Sunday morning and they were all in church?

Maybe they didnt hang around the tent because someone could actually find some of the asses who delete posts, act like jerks, or just run their mouth over the net?

I have found that the biggest jerk on the net is the nicest guy when you meet them face to face.

As for myself, I am an *** all the time. Sorry. I am the real thing not just internet persona. Even my best friend says it. LOL

I guess I should add that it is their site and they are free to do with it as they wish. Even the Titanic had a captain.
Maybe they didnt hang around the tent because someone could actually find some of the asses who delete posts, act like jerks, or just run their mouth over the net?
