swinger newbie



Active Member
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
liverpool ny
hey, so it seems I am a swinger, no wait I mean I just bought a swinger! :angel4:

sorry I just couldn't resist, I just sold my 1967 Ford fairlane to fund the purchase of a 1974 dart swinger. While looking for some tech info I ran into your fine forum and decided to hang around for awhile. I have always loved mopars but this is my first coming from a line of chevys and fords, so I am sure I will come around with plenty of questions. for now everyone can have a :drinkers: on me.
Welcome aboard.. I have to admit I love the 66/67 Fairlanes. Of course it's probably got a lot to do with my uncle racing me around in one when I was a tot. Actually was admiring a red 67 XL 289 on Sunday :)

welcome sir, the 73-74 swingers get a bad rap but I happen to love them. need any help shoot me a pm cant wait to see some pics
Welcome to the site. Have fun working on that Dart. Now you're "hooked."
wish that was true lol but alot of people dis-like the 73-76 front clips I myself love them and have always owned them so there #1 in my book

Where do they get a bad rap? Certainly not here!

Welcome aboard mattdus.
nice! lots of info here! I have a few parts from my '70 Swinger laying around, if you need something ask, i'm not too far.

Thanks all,

I will be paying the balance of what I owe the guy tomorrow and will get some pics soon after. so for now a brief description will have to do, its a pale yellow car with a matching vinyl roof, 225 /6 automatic. though there is some rust beginning it is not eaten any holes yet (though the trunk floor will need some TLC ASAP), The interior is tan and yellowish as well and is immaculate (this is what sold me on the car as my fairlane was thrashed)

There is a story behind this buy as well, likely boring but I will recount it here for anyone interested.

There were 2 cars for sale, a green 73 4 door dart custom and the yellow swinger, I drove past these cars for almost a month avoiding stopping to look at them. I knew he would either want too much or would be reasonable and I was one broke and two already driving my 67 fairlane everywhere and am not in a position to have 2 cars I cant drive in the winter. Well my Dad saw the green one and wanted to look at it so I like an idiot went with him. Of course I fell in love with the condition of the body and interior of that swinger. Before I knew it I had for sale signs in the Fairlane. Now the swinger needed work to run and drive while the fairlane was a daily summer driver at this point (I did and still do love that ford) but the interior was thrashed and the body has some rot in the rear fenders, not to mention I knew I was gonna have to overhaul the engine in the next couple of years. All of this made me decide it was better to have a body and interior that needs next to nothing with an engine that might need some work vs what I had, thus the for sale signs. less than 2 weeks later the fairlane is sold and the dart is almost mine. the best part of all this is that the car needs a carb rebuild, a brake master and a wiper motor, all of which I was told today is being done at his cost along with 2 new tires before I take the car!!! :toothy8:

Cant beat that!!
Welcome to FABO!!!
Cool deal.Can not wait to see pictures.
welcome to the 74' swinger life. birds chirp a little sweeter, the sun shines a little brighter and the roads are a little smoother...
From one 74 owner to another,Welcome,And ignore that bad rap stuff,we all drive the Best!
hey, I admit that some of the earlier ones are a bit better looking but if I didn't like it I wouldn't have bought it, who cares what someone else thinks? my wife dosent like fins on the 50's cars, I just happen to know shes wrong, same deal with the '74 dart someone may not like it but I know they are wrong :thumblef:
got one picture of the car with my phone today, the camera batteries died on me. we got her running good but cant get the brakes working.

Looks good man what color paint are you going with? I sprayed over the baby poop green that was on my swinger with some nice BRIGHT FJ5 sublime green


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