Teemperatures in your area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2006
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Miramichi N.B Canada
I am in Miramichi New Brunswick Canada right now -23 Celius -30 with the wind . -10 Farhenheit , no not bragging for sure.
Cold 19* F to start out today but it gets much better for the next week.
Highs for the next week range fron 49* F to 60* F.
Lows range from 24* F to 37* F.
We had single digits a couple mornings ago. At least on the farenheit it dont seem as cold as celcius does. lol
14 degrees here in WI. Warm up expected here too. 20 degrees for Green Bay play off game, 40 by Wednesday.
Minus 5 C here this morning. Nearly t-shirt and short weather :toothy8::toothy8:
It was "cold" here yesterday not even hitting 50 degrees. Today is only going to make it up to 54 they say...... :)
It's 40 here with a slight wind making it feel like about 34 degrees. High today is only hitting about 58, but a clear sky will make a beautiful day.
was 28 this morning in Al, barely got above yesterday but beautiful sunny with no wind yet
Most of this week has been around 8-9F when I wake up in the morning, but this morning is was a balmy 16F. :) It gets up in the mid 30's between, say, 1 and 3 pm. I don't let my dogs out for more than 15 minutes in those temperatures.

I saw on the news yesterday morning that Alamosa Colorado was -33F, freakin' brrrrrr.
The temps here are about 20 at night to about 35-45 during the day. Much better then when I lived in Alaska...Love it.
It's around freezing temp. here, but windy.
Gusts up to 40 mph makes it feel like it's 20 below!
It is -2* here!! Went out for a pee and my pink parts almost froze in the snow. Im going back to bed!!


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-15 F here the past couple of mornings with a high of 10 F. We have to deal with inversion here.