


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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The aging process sucks. Went & had the blood test done the other day and it came back as I have "low t". Went today and got educated on how to give myself the injections. Almost afraid to ask what is next.....
I am sure that GNC and exercise would resolve your low T.

or 1-800-620-5819 progene prescription Testosterone pills

or steroids

arnold and the other 70's 80's roid users used marijuana to block the estrogen hormone increase that comes when you boost your testosterone too high for your body.

They say Testosterone supplements and growth hormone (along with diet and exercise) are the secret to near eternal youth-perhaps for the wealthy.

Do a lot of research and talk to several doctors, I am interested in what they tell you.
GNC are idiots. Go to bodybuilding.com check out supplements like Bioforge and T-bol etc
This is kind of funny and scary at the same time:

Apparently there is a testosterone "cream" that a man can apply under the arms the same as deodorant.

However, if women and children happen to come in contact with the area of application, they may start to experience....symptoms..which I won't describe but you can probably figure out.

Hope the injections help, supposedly it gives you new zest for life.
My bro-in-law has that problem.
He had to play around with his to get right. To much and he was one of the meanest SOB's you ever meet, to little and he was a whinny *****.
how does one know that something is wrong? what made you go get tested?
very low energy levels, no sex drive, sleep troubles are a few of the things as well as chronic depression. I got tested because I went to the doc complaining of a non-stop depression, kind of miss the manic episodes of being bi-polar.....

pubic hair will begin to grow again...LOL
Does this mean something else will start to grow again??

I am sure that GNC and exercise would resolve your low T.

or 1-800-620-5819 progene prescription Testosterone pills

or steroids

arnold and the other 70's 80's roid users used marijuana to block the estrogen hormone increase that comes when you boost your testosterone too high for your body.

They say Testosterone supplements and growth hormone (along with diet and exercise) are the secret to near eternal youth-perhaps for the wealthy.

Do a lot of research and talk to several doctors, I am interested in what they tell you.
I have been exercising some. I have lost 50 or so pounds this year. Problem is I am limited to low impact things due to lumbar spinal stenosis. Tendon troubles and shoulder problems pretty much rule out any sort of weight training. I was spending an hour a day, at a fast walk as running is off limits on the treadmill in addition to an hour on a seated eliptical. But with the extremely low energy levels this was all that I would do in a day. And being retired means that I have alot of free time to do other things but I just did not have the energy.
My dad is an endocrinologist-literally right up the alley of your concern.
I can make some inquirys for you if you would like. or maybe you would like to talk to him?
If you would please talk to him about this....I very well might want to talk to him as well......
I am not a big exercise guy, but am around quite a few of them.
Despite the factthat I have a big mouth, I do listen:
exercise in of itself lowers your testosterone
increasing muscle mass is a lot of the formula to increasing testosterone.
those other guys may be right, GNC may not be the best reference place for supplements

My bro-in-law has that problem.
He had to play around with his to get right. To much and he was one of the meanest SOB's you ever meet, to little and he was a whinny *****.

EVERY animal that is aggressive on earth has high testosterone

bull sharks have some of the highest levels of any animal on earth and that high level is what makes them teh most aggressive and dangerous shark in fresh or salt water

male lions eat hippo dung to get drunk and brave off of testosterone before chasing after another male lion's pride

don't swallow your pride and eat poo though ;)
"If you would please talk to him about this....I very well might want to talk to him as well...... "
sure, but dad works as hard as any man on this earth
you guys get your money out of him doing weird research for the US Army
I need to ask him on a weekend to get him to talk to you.
PM me your phone number, we'll talk first, then I can introduce you to him.
I bet my wife can set me up on a three way call, or maybe on base a three way call.

There are supposed to be many ways to exercise when you are injured.
This is the kind of stuff I got listen to as a kid at the supper table. Don't worry, I am sure you can fix this. If lance armstrong can destroy 15 golf ball size pieces of cancer and live, you ain't got nothing to worry about, cept maybe a little hard work/effort.

I hope to God stroker' don't see this, or he'll start callin' me a fatasset again!
This is kind of funny and scary at the same time:

Apparently there is a testosterone "cream" that a man can apply under the arms the same as deodorant.

However, if women and children happen to come in contact with the area of application, they may start to experience....symptoms..which I won't describe but you can probably figure out.

Hope the injections help, supposedly it gives you new zest for life.

No, no, you don't want to use it as a deodorant! The stuff is called Androgel and is a testosterone prescription. It is an isopropyl alcohol based clear gel that you rub on - but not under your arms unless you want to burn the hell out of your pits !!:cussing: It has so much alcohol that it evaporates in just a few seconds. The directions specificlly state not to use it below your waist either - which some idiot obviously must have tried to warrent putting it in the directions. I bet that was only done once! :roll:
The cream works best if you have a hot young honey rub it on for you :)
I wont ask how old you are or how this perscription came about. I will tell you whats to come.. Buckets of great tasting, quick disoving, fast acting, long lasting, pink and purple polkadotted pills. If you let them they will keep you alive as long as possible and take every penny you have.
I dont buy into the " there's a pill for that " mentality of modern times.
I choose to grow old naturally and live with the side effects instead of eating pills like M&Ms and dealing with their side effects.
The aging process sucks. Went & had the blood test done the other day and it came back as I have "low t". Went today and got educated on how to give myself the injections. Almost afraid to ask what is next.....

You'll be fine dude, my Dad does the same thing and after all that he tells me he feels younger and better than he has in years. He also looks better and works out again. I think you're focusing too much on the needles part. It's pretty much it.
I have had an issues for many years and received injections all the time. I never had an improvement in my energy levels or feeling better etc. I did finally get up to a normal level; but no perceived improvement. I ended up stopping the shots.

I found that Adderall worked the best for me on the sex drive and energy levels...etc.
It isn't a fix-all, you still have to have a proper diet, be active, not smoke and alcohol? not so much of it. then again not everything works for everyone... I have bad isonomia and nothing short of hardcore knock out pills help me and I'm actually allergic to benzodopamine type anti depressiants... makes me itch like hell.
The cream works best if you have a hot young honey rub it on for you :)
I wont ask how old you are or how this perscription came about. I will tell you whats to come.. Buckets of great tasting, quick disoving, fast acting, long lasting, pink and purple polkadotted pills. If you let them they will keep you alive as long as possible and take every penny you have.
I dont buy into the " there's a pill for that " mentality of modern times.
I choose to grow old naturally and live with the side effects instead of eating pills like M&Ms and dealing with their side effects.
Don't have to ask either question. I am 45. And bi-polar. Up to the past few years my "normal" state of mind was always slightly manic, which for me was energetic, aggressive and full of life. Slightly manic stage would often lead to a full blown manic state, which well, made alot of people not want to be around me. Of late my "normal" state of mind is flat out depressed. Zero drive, absolutley no sex drive, some passing thoughts of attemting suicide again. I have spent most of my retired life just sitting here wishing I had the desire & drive that I used to. As far as "there is a pill for that" mentality I do not buy into it neither. I do take pain meds, but with my back injury I have no choice. I do feel that there are some instances, like my wife, where the onslaught of meds is necessary. She has Lupus. And the meds are keeping it at bay enough where she has yet to be put in the hospital by it. Sure, she has a couple of down days a week where she does not even get out of her pj's, but for someone with Lupus that is not a bad thing. Also had breast cancer, she is taking a med that because of where she is in life hormonally will reduce the chance of it returning by 70% or so, at least that is what we are told. Personally, regardless of how I view modern medicine, I would much rather her swallow pills like M&M's than be bedridden by Lupus or in a urn on the shelf from breast cancer....And as to them, the medical profession as a whole, taking every penny, I pay for my health insurance, both of them, damn straight I am going to use it. Theses shots are going to cost me about $3.00 a month, I think that is a small price to pay for the return of a more "normal" life.......
When I was 68 years old and had just retired in 09, I went to the doctors and he took a blood test and then asked me a few questions. After reading my blood test and me telling him that even with a good nites sleep I still felt tired, he told me that my T-level was low and that I needed to take T-shots. One every two weeks, he wanted me to come to his office every two weeksfor a shot! So, I asked him if my wife could give me the shots and he said OK. From that day forward every two weeks the wife has been giving me the T-shots. This next month I will be 70 years old, I go to bed around midnite and am up by 8:00 in the morning.
If you would ask the wife if the shots were beneficial, I am sure that she would say "yes" to the tune of two to three times a week! Feel like a young buck again.
Hey iink, when did you become a moderator? I swear that two weeks ago you weren't at staff level. Did I miss the swearing in ceremony??? Congrats on the staff member level.

Hopefully you can get your other "staff member" fixed... You gotta watch those steroids though, make your nads shrink... And that roid rage thing...

Do your research before taking treatment. Sometimes the side effects are worse than the original problem.

Good luck, and keep us posted on what you are trying and how it works. I'm sure some of us will be down that road sooner or later.
If you want to educate yourself to a save alternative that works go to WWW.sottopelletherapy.COM.

My wife has been on hormone therapy for the last 11 years and it works. I can tell whn she is due for her dose. They have many men as patients.
What was your number?? If I can remember,your numbers should be between 300-800,mine was 20!!!!! Yep,20!!!!! I had lost my left teste when I was 16 and then had testicular cancer and was told on my birthday a yr ago today. They removed the right one and now I go to the doctor every 3 weeks and get a shot. It helps GREATLY!!!!!!