That's dangerous, you're too old to be doing it!

I got hit had on by an 85 mph drunk back about '74 or 5, I was about 26. Crushed a knee cap and cut the tendons in two. Killed the drunk. He was in a big old Lincoln. I was pulling a gooseneck loaded with a tractor and such, probably what saved me. It took a year before it would bend half way.
Now at 74, my joints are good, but that leg will sometimes just fold. You should have seen me the last time on a ladder and it folded!!
I don't think I would be climbing a ladder if I were you!
My leg will drag on me when I walk every once in a while. Makes me stumble.
At 64, the last time I heard my wife say that to me (to old to be doing that) was when a friend's boat came loose from the dock, it was a good 40 to 50 yards away and the wind was pushing it out farther, shoes, wallet and phone hit the ground and I didn't waist anytime jumping in, I am a strong swimmer, ponds, lakes and rivers was my happy place as a sheer crop worker growing up.
I must admit the next 3 mornings it was a tuff row to howe getting out of bed.... and it was weeks for my neck and left shoulder to feel normal.

I do miss playing the drums :(
I'm 58. Still surfing, skateboarding, playing basketball, football, baseball, riding dirt bikes, snow skiing, water skiing, you name it. Living on the two young to get old motto. Doing the wild thing with the old lady too LOL. Life is good.
I don't think I would be climbing a ladder if I were you!
My leg will drag on me when I walk every once in a while. Makes me stumble.

I'm even careful walking down a few steps. I can trip over a clump of grass.
But, when you stop moving.. . you start dying!
A friend my age took a bad fall about a year ago and never got over it. Kicked the bucket.
I wont be 60 until July but I still do the stuff I used to.
Hockey , MX , Elk Hunting , Skiing ....
Ah !! Another July baby here, 64 still enjoy getting out on 2 wheels for fresh air and looking for fishing holes. Pool is my game and finding larg mouth bass is my specialty



I will be 73 in July. I have my aches and pains, mainly knees and shoulders, but for the most part I do whatever the hell I want to do. I try to hit the gym 3 days a week so I don't get too stiff. I don't do heavy weights any more; just enough to stay loose and strong. I won't let anyone tell me not to do something because I'm too old. I am smart enough to know what I can or cannot do. I can tell that it takes me all day long to do what I used to do all day long! But, I won't stop doing it; just maybe not as quickly or as long as I used to.
I'm old. 74. I just a little tired'er.. a little quick'er!
In my mind, I am still 40. My body argues and says I am AT LEAST 74!
I tell my self I am smart enough to know better...nope, I ain't that smart!
Born in '51...........I have always been I'm invincible-ish!!!:poke::rofl::realcrazy::steering::soapbox::thumbsup:
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64 this year. I'm at least 20 years older than anyone I work with. I have no plans on retiring, I'm not stopping doing anything I want to, I still race cars and sailboats and I'm the oldest on the crew. Getting all the aches and pains that go along with being this age but I'm not stopping. Fu#K That!! I really beleive you are as old as you want to be.

As I Heard John Clease say in a Monty Python Movie (Yellowbeard)...

"You won't see me going around dying all over the place!"

"'You'll have to kill me before I die!!"
Just turned 53. I was doing some roofing on my house last year, my neighbor who is 65 says" you should get some help" I said ":what some young 32 year old that tells me he's roofed before then he falls and gets hurt and wants me to pay his medical bills? that kind of help..." i have to get back up there this year I didn't get to it all before winter, but this is it I think Ill be too old to get up there soon.