The BIG 3's Ceo's paycuts?



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
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East Peoria,IL
I just saw this on CNN five minutes ago.The Senate asked this question to each of the Big Three CEO's.
If we were to loan you the money would you be willing to take a pay cut next year??
Heres the Answers
GM.... I would take a 50% paycut.
Ford.. I am OK were I am at. Then the qestion was asked again.
Again I am OK where I am at.
Chrysler.. I will work for 1 Dollar next year.

Here another question The Senate asked the Big three Ceo's.
How much do you need?

Here the Answers
GM.... I don't know
Ford.. 25 Billion
Chrysler.. 7 Billion

I thought this was interesting.Most of the Ceo's and upper management still not willing to take a pay cut.Fords Ceo made 9 million last year I think they said.
Hard to fell sorry for them isent it. Run a buisnes in to the ground and ask for money and not want to take a pay cut. Hell the three of them should be fired for being stupid incompetint loosers who cans do there jobs.

Sorry all rant over.
I think I would be "OK" with their salaries too. Might have to wait on that second yacht though.....
Strikes a nerve with me that all 3 of them flew into Washington on their private jets, and when questioned under oath, none of them were willing to sell them and fly home commercial .. Something REALLY wrong with this world when one has the audacity to step off a private jet and beg for billions of Our money to bailout the mess they helped create and/or sustain... I think all three should lead their companies the good old fashioned American way -- by example ..... Take the pay cut, fly commercial, drive your own freakin' car to work...etc...etc...etc... I wouldn't mind some of my tax dollars going to help save all those jobs, but I hate the notion of just writing these guys a blank check without some assurances of major changes in management.... Otherwise :thebirdm:
And none of them said they would change their business practices. So they would be pissing away tax payer dollars. Obviously, something is broken in all of the companies since they are asking for bailout money.

It would just be a band aid if they don't change.
I wouldn't mind some of my tax dollars going to help save all those jobs, but I hate the notion of just writing these guys a blank check without some assurances of major changes in management.... Otherwise :thebirdm:

i have the same feelings.



Which order do they go in?

Stupid arrogant.....all of them....
This is bizzare, these clowns are just sitting there saying give us what we want or we'll destroy the economy. No we will give you no assurances, no we will not change the way we've been doing things and yes you'll just have to trust us. We're getting the same B.S. here north of the border, I keep getting this picture of a mobster holding a gun to my head saying give me all your money.

I say screw them, let them go into bankruptcy, the creditors lawyers come in to reshape the companies (and toast the corporate jets and perks) and start all over again. I know it's a tough pill to swallow but without major changes such as downsizing and in GM's case get rid of half of their product line (Chev and GMC trucks, give me a break) ain't nothing going to change.

This economic implosion that is effecting the "ENTIRE WORLD" is here to stay for 3-5 yrs. and no quick fix by the 3 stooges is going to change that. IMHO.

This economic implosion that is effecting the "ENTIRE WORLD" is here to stay for 3-5 yrs. and no quick fix by the 3 stooges is going to change that. IMHO.


:sad10: ....and so true's time for the "Big 3" to man up and take the medicine they have been promoting.

I'm so sick of the "golden parachutes" from all the cryin bailouts I could puke. :sign11:
Nardelli didn't run the business in the ground.

Sorry to tell you but if this guy is one of the CEO's. Yes he did. If he is the top guy then it was up to him to run the company. The credit goes to him if the company is sucessful and the blame if it fails. Thats how it works.
I took a pay cut to keep working and Im still managing to pay the bills. If I can do it on my tiny pay check they can to.

The way I see it is if they do volunteer to take the pay cut they are going to an even bigger loss in wages handed to them.
Our "Premier" here in Ontario,Canada said;Before any money is handed out to help Auto sector,he wanted to see what the Big 3 where working on for the enviorment(Hybrib.electric,nitrogen etc..Then he would help out.Sounds like he wants to see tax payers money go to forwarding the auto sector, not hand over money to pay their bills.I,m a Ford Employee (oops me bad)anyway 5 years ago we restructured everything.Even closing our f-150 truck plant which was #1 selling truck for # of years.Go figure!!For 2 1/2 years I worked 2 weeks on 2weeks off.We scrapped Freestar,and moved forward with Edge,MKX,now Flex and alsostarting MKT.Ford has said by 2010 all Ford products will have Eco-boost(Turbo)motors along with Hybrids.So I don,t think We are in as bad of shape as say GM.At least Ford and Chrysler were honest were GM,s "I don,t Know".I just hope all 3 can pull threw all of this and come up with some really good vehicles for the enviorment,also to compete with all the other foriegn vehicles.This way I can retire in 8 years and collect my pension,that I havE PAID INTO AND BUSTED MY A$$ TO GET.OH YA MY UNION DUES ARE $90 A MONTH.25 BILLION TOWARDS KEEPING THE ECONOMY GOING COMPARED TO TRILLIONS A DAY FOR ???OIL.WHAT GOOD WILL OIL DO WHEN YOU HAVE NO car cause you have no job??MY 2 CENTS.
I too saw the CEO'S on CNN. They have to change their practices, and their way of thinking plus get rid of those huge salaries and get rid of a few vehicles in their line up. Thats just a start, then maybe talking about money to help them out in a realistic amount that they need with the new structure in place!
The few millions a CEO takes home is a just a drop in the bucket compared to the billions they earn and spend.anually.
How they produce their products is a large part of their problem. They will pay an outsider 1/4 million for a robot designed to knock on hubcaps then pay 30 per hour for theline operater of that robot. When the robot fails the entire line will stand for several hours while 2 or 3 techs repair the robot. Meanwhile no one else on the line is allowed to leave their post, pick up a hubcap hammer, assist those techs , nothing. If anyone should suggest any of these actions the line workers go crying to their union.
Their are american workers who will knock on hubcaps with a hammer for minimum wage.
Think about this...
The production cost and consumer cost of everything else goes down over time, especially electronics. The more electronic a car becomes, the more it costs. Why is that ?
Nardelli was the CEO at Home Depot for a couple of years and during his time there the company didn't grow, the stock went down and they fired him. The best part was that Home Depot gave him 200 million dollars to leave. Something is wrong when you pay someone a 200 million dollar bonus for poor performance. I was surprised when Chrysler picked him up but not surprised at the results he brought to Chrysler. With Chrysler being a private company now, you wonder what his compensation is and if this is Home Depot all over again.
I also think it is ridiculous that they flew in private minimum, they could have jet pooled.

Now for their business practices. They built what the consumer wanted. These trucks and SUV's also happened to have huge profit margins. They built small fuel efficient cars, not many wanted them and there wasn't much profit. I don't know, maybe the workers on less profitable cars could make less money? It's hard to compete with the foreign manufacturers who build cars in non union plants; even here in the U.S.

The average American won't buy a hybrid. There are several reasons, the first being the cost. Aside from the original higher purchase price is the cost of ownership. While less is spent on fuel, there are higher insurance costs and then there will be trade in value. What can you get for a used car that will need thousands of dollars in batteries eventually? It just doesn't make sense for the average consumer.

Electric vehicles are pretty much in the same boat. Add in the fact that many areas, especially metropolitan areas where electric cars would be best suited, already have strains on their electrical systems. Add in the fact that the President elect says no more coal or electrical generation plants-then we are still using fossil fuels to power the cars. Hydrogen is probably the best long term option, but without cheap electricity, no a viable one.

Why not build small displacement turbo diesel cars? That seems to be the best answer with today's availability of resources.

Then there is algae to fuel. Imagine turning the arid and uninhabited deserts of the southwest into a fuel making gold mine. It's estimated it would take 15,000 square miles of algae to fuel production to replace all of the petroleum used in the US. Interesting reading, I accidentally came across it.

Here's a link: