The "Black Menace" is pretty forlorn, LOL



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Getting ready to go to the blasters, he says "about" coming Wednesday

Interior stripped out, sheet metal plugging holes, all the chrome is off and roller tires..........Looks like a junker LOL

Not doing the underside or interior, just the outside and engine bay. I don't have the money, the time, nor the energy to do a "frame up." Column seats and cluster, switches are out, headliner and glass left in. Blaster says he can mask the windows. Seat and column both gone after this photo.

I may pull the dash frame out, yet, before it goes next week.





Yeh, I wasn't sure where to put this. My neighbor is going to shoot it, but we both decided that "mostly him" stripping it wasn't gonna be much fun, and I'm about useless for that kind of thing, 'specially now with arthritis and other issues. So it goes to the blaster.

I've joked, and it really is not a joke, that "when I die" I don't want this thing torn down in somebody's garage.

Target for at least getting it running again is May/ June
Yeh, I wasn't sure where to put this. My neighbor is going to shoot it, but we both decided that "mostly him" stripping it wasn't gonna be much fun, and I'm about useless for that kind of thing, 'specially now with arthritis and other issues. So it goes to the blaster.

I've joked, and it really is not a joke, that "when I die" I don't want this thing torn down in somebody's garage.

Target for at least getting it running again is May/ June
Yes I too have arthritis bad in both knees and my back.Its getting harder every year to work on the old girls,but is a passion of mine.This is why I figured this thread was no joke as your time wrenching with aches and pains is limited.I moved it to Members Restorations..good luck re-assembling after getting blasted.:D
I am sure it will be nice when done, Del. I know you are excited.
He quoted me "about" 600 bucks to mask the glass and media blast the engine bay and exterior of the car, and door jambs. I'll talk to him for sure, that he'll do the underside of trunk. The car was originally a dark green (don't remember the code, don't like the color) then red, then white primer, and then black. So the paint is REALLY thick. We're "goin black".
I bet the old girl will be spiffy with a new coat of black on her.I have seen some really nice cars that the owners didnt blast the engine bay as well and it completely turns me off. Youre doing the same I would. If someone crawls under my car to look they must be looking for something to steal.
I blasted the underside of my Dart this summer, from the firewall floor seam, to the rear
bumper. I used black diamond coal dust. It was a hell of a job, I was cussin, and swearing, and throwing things. Took me two months. I think I ate as much dust as I blasted. When I was done, I gave it two coats of epoxy primer, then in the open window, I sprayed on two coats of met red ss urethane(2012 PT Cruiser colour). I used the smallest pressure blaster From HF. It worked real good. I did all this wile it was on jack stands. Crawling in and out from under there gave my 70 yr ole bones a work out. Next are rear quarters.
That Dart will look good in new Black.

Well I earned my keep today!!!! Weather turned from cool nice fall to windy, cold, rainy. Part of the labor trade with my neighbor is installing a new furnace/ AC. His is probably late '50's So we put a stainless flex liner in the brick chimney today. "As those go" this one was easy, but still took us 2 hours. I just can't "hit it" like I used to, LOL.
The folks over on the '62 - '65 Mopar site have an annual "GEEZER DRAGS"! Sounds like a bunch of us qualify!
When I was young there was no time, no place and no money for motor hobbies. Now that I'm not so young, I have the time, the space and a little money - and a bunch of aches and pains I never imagined. Gettin' old ain't fer sissies!

What are you gonna do with no car to work on ?? Did you pull out all your wiring
so you can make a new wiring harness in your spare time ? LOL Go through the engine perhaps, Looking forward to seeing the progress.
Still waiting on the blaster, the car is tarped up in the back yard. "He" says "maybe" Fri or Mon, he had a job in the booth that took longer 'n he thought

I'm afraid I'll have plenty to do

I'm trading the neighbor some help on HVAC, finally talked him into replacing a 50's gas furnace that is LONG overdue. Last weekend we got the new stainless liner down the chimney.

AC inside coil and the furnace, and a new water heater...........just hauled 'em home tonight. We'll get together the next few days and see what we need for plenum....sheet metal work, etc.

I haven't decided on the engine, been thinking more about a single turbo. The 360 that was in developed a knock, I might go through it, or just clean up the 318 and put it back in.
Well we hauled 'er home from the blaster last night, me 600 bucks lighter. A few holes here and there, a homebrew body work on the RF fender, and the worst was a bondowed pass side rocker. "She's naked" LOL

1...First photo is the new water tank, furnace, and AC coil which I'm installing for my neighbor as part payment on labor

2...holes in LT side rear quarter

3...small holes in rear roof

4...minor holes LT door

5...minor holes above rear wheel

6...rear of car, it's naked

7...RT rear quarter

8...poor RT front fender repair

9...lower RT rocker will take some work.

10...engine bay nice and clean




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Wish I had his shop.............


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Wowww!! Excellent!......very cool, D/273! What was the media that they used? Was it sand or plastic or walnut shells or? Do you know how you're going to attack that rocker panel yet? At least there's nearly no rust.
I'm not sure of the media. My neighbor is the body guy not me. He indicated he would probably weld in new metal for the rocker.
Well today was part of the "earn back program," LOL. Helped the neighbor who's doin' the body and paint to install a new furnace and AC coil. This spring I'll install the new OD condensing unit for the AC

We started about 8:AM and finished except for a couple of details at about 3:30. Lost the screw, then found it later, out of the disconnect switch, so the power wires are temp wire nutted. Need to install the new programmable stat. Add a hanger or two on the BX power flex.

I was so beat we didn't even clean up the tools. Do that tomorrow, I'll "relax" and install the new stat, LOL

Top photo. Beginning it all. We carried my tools and the new furnace and coil down Thursday, so I would not have to work so hard at one stretch. I just don't have the suds I used to. Thanksgiving weekend we plan on replacing the water tank

2......and 3.......The old scud come out

4......My neighbor pretending to be an HVAC installer. That's right. You laugh!!!! I still use Makita 9.6 drills which I find at the thrift stores!!! These are the old hi/ lo speed gearbox kind.

5.....New unit pretty much done except for cold air return

6......My neighbor and his incredible wife admiring our day's work. I'm beat. Been a day


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I'd epoxy or por15 the backsides of all panels and panel seams where you found rust-thru. Your probably doing that anyways. Great thread.