The cost of a piece of metal in your eye.

Numerous times i have had the metal strands shank me and i have sat down, and poke! But noooo!!,..not there man that must've been hell for you....... Yeah i did good til the grinder started fighting with my wrist and arm lol.. Left a scar to this day.. Anyone ever got electrocuted?? Try havin your car wet, and your hand is wet, and you go to tighten the starter cable, the one that goes to the solenoid box... All you hear is "bbbzzzbbzzzzttttt!!!" And followed by pain and your skin is falling off.. (i was touching the block with a ratchet, and my hand+ the positive) lol..wear gloves and eye protection!!

It doesnt exactly sound like your experience with getting zapped was anymore fun than my run in with the wire wheel lol
Lol my bad, it hurt like a sun of a biscuit.., but i cannot imagine one of those little "wire death minions" sticking the boys... And i wrote that wrong lol i was tightening the exhasut manifold, my hand was pinned between the manifold, and the solenoid,which was negative(block) my hand:( and positive(solenoid).. The extension i used wasnt short so no matter how i turned or tried to pull away, i was getting zapped and could smell my skin burning while it felt like i was getting smacked with a hammer numerous times.. I even seen what i thought was small lightning shootin outta my hand lol..
Oh which reminds me.. We got this sorry azz makita grinder.. The button gets stuck, and for some damn reason its strong as hell.. Idk how many rpms its rated at, but it sounds like a fricken formula 1 car.. So i had a cutoff wheel on it, and on accident i set it on a vice, n the button goes on. VZZZZZ, it spins to life and rides along the vice then falls.. Meanwhile me scared as hell, i try jumpin away but it wraps the cord around my hand like a deathgrinder.. So it continues south smacks the ground(we have a rock driveway) shoots rocks everywhere like a gatling gun then decides to stop.. The whole time i was standing there closin my eyes hopin not to get shot lol..... p.s. I do not trust that grinder one bit.. But i still use it :).... :O ohh.. My neighbor.....believe it or not..... has used a chopsaw blade on an angle grinder.....
If you are wearing eye protection you probably will need ear protection also. This is 1 of the most overlooked forms of protection ignored. The difference is you won't see the damage as quickly like eye protection. Years down the road when it's too late and irreversable.
If you are wearing eye protection you probably will need ear protection also. This is 1 of the most overlooked forms of protection ignored. The difference is you won't see the damage as quickly like eye protection. Years down the road when it's too late and irreversable.

very true... I already did damage to my ears (for me it was years in rock band, mixed with constantly listening to music with headphones cranked up... a lot of these iPhone using kids are in for a world of hurt when they get older) ... Now I wear ear plugs and such whenever doing anything where the noise level will be very high..
Why is it that when you weld, theres a little piece of molten metal that just happens to always make its way into your earlobe? Then you can really hear the singing noise lol...followed by pain.