The hardest thing I had to do today was put Duster to the rest



FABO Gold Member
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Crossville TN
The hardest thing I had to do was to put my lab the rest 16 and a half years she was my baby she protected me she done everything with me



Sure sorry to hear this. I know the empty feeling and heartache. I had to put my best friend down when he was 14-1/2 and that was 4 years ago on Christmas Eve. No help right now but I can tell you time helps to heal the raw wound you feel right now. But you'll never forget your fine pup!
The day we bring them home, we know the "other day" will come. Fill everything in between with joy.
Remember all the good times, she's a part of you forever.
Sorry for your loss.

They say the only fault a dog has is they don't live long enough. I've had a bunch and love them all, but it gets more difficult to say goodbye the older I get. Prayers to you brother.
Man, I sure feel for you. We went through it last year. Still hurts.

Nothing better than a good dog.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
I feel so empty and lost without her little sister Ellie 7 years0ld she is going crazy they are best always. By my side she listened to all my problems and always give me a kiss I miss her so much
Sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a great friend. I agree to remember the good times.

One of my funniest memories of my best buddy of years past is of him knocking over my beer can on our patio. He was a beer loving border collie.
My condolences, Steve
We had a Lab and a Chihuahua that were best buds. A few days after the Chihuahua left us, the Lab started moaning at night. It took us a few days to realize he was missing his buddy. So we took the Lab to the SPCA to find his next buddy. It took three visits, but he found Ziggy and took to each other. Sadly, the Lab is no longer with us but Ziggy is and has three other buddies (although, I don't think Ziggy cares as much for them!!).
Sorry for your loss. It is very tough when the companions leave us after such a long time of being with us.
Mike I feel your pain. I cried like a baby when I had to put Duke and Bullit down.

First Duke and then Bullit. It just seamed like he gave up on life after Duke was gone.

First picture is Duke. The second 2 are Bullit.

Bullit was well know at the track for stealing tires. New or used. When we arrived and waiting in line at the gates we would let him out of the truck and they would just let him run in. Every one knew bullit. He would be waiting at our pit stall at every track once we got in. After we parked he would go to the concession stand and beg food all night. He once brought a hot dog still wrapped back to the trailer. His favorite was Chilli Cheese fries. I miss those two dogs. Its like losing a family member.

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Sorry for your loss, been through it more than enough times, never gets easier, you gave Duster a great life and she was one of a kind and a cherished family member.
May she rest in peace.
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Very sorry to hear, keep rollin' & remember the gift She was, glad Duster had You for a partner.
You have my deepest condolences. She was no less a family member than a human, and there really are no words. I truly wish there were.

Sleep well, pup.
You have our condolences.
The wife and I had to do the same on Monday.
Rocket was a good boy too.

Monday for me. Still too fresh to think straight. Life isn't the same.
I'm very sorry Mike. It never gets any easier, no matter how many times you've had to do it. I had to let my little dog Prissy go on July 21st of last year. She was 17, and me and her had been down like 4 flat tires since the night we got her. I know how you feel, so hang in there man. :(
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