The horse is dead

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I have to block him. He just sucks me into these arguments. And yeah, the next thing you know, the monitors got me blocked or whatever...
So i'm just not dealing with him anymore.... I don't need people like that in my life...

Same right back at you. I detest liars.

The truth is you watch my every post.

You argue from ignorance.

Also, blaming me for you getting a time out just shows what a juvenile moron you are.

You throw more gutless, backhanded snide comments than anyone on here.

Typical of you to blame someone else when you ran your mouth and got benched.

It can’t be your fault. You’re too nice and respectful and kind.

My aching *** you liar.
Wow...... Just wow. Can't believe the dumb-fuckery that has reared up here. And I'm NOT referring to Newbomb.....

This farkin' thing was dead......

Yup. But krazykuda thought he could bring something to the party. All he did was take the opportunity to bash a mopar parts supplier some more.

But he’s a great guy. He’s not an asshole.

Just ask him and he will tell you his gear he treats people. Even people that **** on him.

I call that being a pussy, not being nice.

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Not sure when you came into this, but it has festered into something bigger than I want to be a part of! I see both sides, I have to say. It’s just that some opinions are being conveyed with more conviction than others . I was bashed early on by him, but it was a result of my statement. I’m not offended . If I had questions about a build, I would probably side bar with newsome turk. Is he a bit brash? Ya, but I would still attempt to talk to him with technical questions if that is where I was . I also like that he is not a left wing psycho.. I will leave it at that. I just exposed myself..
Ask the OP. He started by bashing a guy for his own bullshit.

Would you want to be treated like that?

You are right, I don't like to be treated badly. I always try to be nice/diplomatic. If the language and/or abuse gets too bad, I just click the ignore button.
Would you defend Dave if he screwed over people and it wasn`t the customers fault? It has happened.

When did I defend Dave. I said he was a prick. So ******* what?

Does that mean a guy who fucked up can bash a guy because he didn’t whisper sweet nothings in his ear?

You realize Hughes is in business to make money. It’s not a hobby.

So if the OP got talked to a bit hard and eat a 200 dollar get smarter tax why is Dave the bad guy??

Should he lose money on a whiny prick who is going to bash him anyway??

That’s what I’m saying. What’s embarrassing is seeing all the holier than thou liars run their mouths about how pure they are.

The OP didn’t walk into this with clean hands.

The mistake is 100% is on the OP
You are right, I don't like to be treated badly. I always try to be nice/diplomatic. If the language and/or abuse gets too bad, I just click the ignore button.

Nothing wrong with that.

Again, I’m stunned so many people think it’s ok to bash a guy who did nothing wrong and then coddle the guy who is at fault.

Unless you want me to believe the rockers were defective or something. But that’s not the case.

The fact is the OP had to eat some money for his mistake. Hopefully he learned something but by his actions here I doubt he learned anything.
Nothing wrong with that.

Again, I’m stunned so many people think it’s ok to bash a guy who did nothing wrong and then coddle the guy who is at fault.

Unless you want me to believe the rockers were defective or something. But that’s not the case.

The fact is the OP had to eat some money for his mistake. Hopefully he learned something but by his actions here I doubt he learned anything.
He ordered the wrong rockers .. he should have ordered 1,5’s they would have been plug and play!
Ok. I never said he didn’t. But I have no first hand knowledge of it.

BTW, do you think Dave fucked over the OP?

That’s a fair question.
Only on the restock fee, blah blah blah I know business and all that.
He screwed me and I tend to hold a grudge especially if it isn`t family or friend.
He ordered the wrong rockers .. he should have ordered 1,5’s they would have been plug and play!

All it would have taken is a tech bulletin/tech sheet stating the changes required.
THAT would have changed everything.
If you're advised/warned/told and still complain then it is your fault.
TTI lists obstacles that installers will encounter with their headers.
Holley included a thick booklet on how to install and tune their carburetors.
Dave has dealt with thousands of customers with a wide range of levels of experience but hey....let's just forego any pro-active advice that may make all the difference in the ease and or success of the installation for whatever percentage of your customers that haven't done this task before.
Oh, and just to make it better, let's be rude to anyone that encountered trouble.
But wait...there is MORE....
Stick it to the customers with a nearly 20% restocking fee when even the most that other vendors charge is 15%.
THAT ought to help the business expand!
Only on the restock fee, blah blah blah I know business and all that.
He screwed me and I tend to hold a grudge especially if it isn`t family or friend.

Ok. I just don’t see how Dave should eat the cost of repackaging the parts, cleaning them and reselling them. It wasn’t his fault.

200 bucks doesn’t go far these days. But what if Dave just took them back? Now he loses money on the cleaning and repackaging.

If Dave had sold him the wrong rockers or a defective rocker then I could see him eating the whole thing.

Businesses that lose money on stupid customer mistakes don’t stay in business very long.
All it would have taken is a tech bulletin/tech sheet stating the changes required.
THAT would have changed everything.
If you're advised/warned/told and still complain then it is your fault.
TTI lists obstacles that installers will encounter with their headers.
Holley included a thick booklet on how to install and tune their carburetors.
Dave has dealt with thousands of customers with a wide range of levels of experience but hey....let's just forego any pro-active advice that may make all the difference in the sale.
Oh, and just to make it better, let's be rude to anyone that encountered trouble.
But wait...there is MORE....
Stick it to the customers with a nearly 20% restocking fee when even the most that other vendors charge is 15%.
THAT ought to help the business expand!

How can you write a tech sheet that covers every aspect of installing high ratio rockers?

It would be damn near a book. It’s not a one size fits all install. He has no clue on valve stem height or anything else.

That’s insane to think he should write detailed instructions to install the rockers.

Clearly, CLEARLY the OP wasn’t competent to do the work, nor was he capable of learning how to install them, so Dave is the bad guy and has to eat the loss??

Not one of you guys defending the OP would take a loss like that more than once.

If you did your *** would be broke and out of business.

I just took a Quick Look at his rocker costs. I saw a little over 1300 bucks. Could be more expensive rockers but that was the most expensive ones on the first page.

5% of 1324.70 is a little over 66 bucks.

So you want me to believe if Dave just charged 5% less for a restocking fee all would be well?

I highly doubt that and I doubt you believe that either.
I wonder if Dave from Hughes has/ can see this thread? Maybe after all the waisted breath, him seeing this could help the most!

I doubt it. When you’ve been in this business as long as he has he already knows enough about customers that he doesn’t give a **** what whiny forum posters say.
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