the old fart was packing heat



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
maybe some of you guys say this video on facebook. 2 thugs walk into some sorta business and proceed to wave guns at everyone. robbery. maybe kill a few people while at it???? one dude is walking by with a cup of coffee in his hand, thinking " I don't want to spill this". a couple of women starting to get "animated".... bout then, this old fart sitting on the back wall pulls out his " legally permitted concealed weapon" and starts firing as he runs toward the thugs. seems they could not find the front door fast enough. the old fellow is chasing and firing at them the whole way. I don't know if he hit any of them.

this was one office survalence camera.

I say, slow down and aim?????
I have not seen it. There is no doubt that "just" blazing away at the bad guys is no way to protect yourself and others
I have not seen it. There is no doubt that "just" blazing away at the bad guys is no way to protect yourself and others

I agree. looked like the perps were basically on the right and everyone else was on the left, the idiot strolling around nursing his fresh cup of java , well he was expendable!!!???? slower shooting, better aim, but the 2 a**h**** did leave pretty darn quick!

maybe would have been "just " a robbery. maybe it would have turned out robbery and a murder or two ( just second degree, maybe plead manslaughter, back out with good behavior 5-6 years to do again!?)...............
This is probably the video you're talking about?
[ame=""]Internet Cafe Shooting. Concealed Carry Citizen Prevails. - YouTube[/ame]

Dude did it pretty well considering. Closed the gap, approached on blind side, kept his background in mind, kept firing until the threat was stopped. The only 'innocents' ever in his line of fire were the machines against the entry wall. Looks like he loosed 5 rounds, and the article of the incident indicates three wounds to the assailants.
Now that I've seen that...........

Might take a different view. "Could" have sat it out, but doesn't look to me like the thugs were giving the victims that option. He shot the first thug when the thug turned towards him with his weapon......

He did not hesitate but advanced on them, at VERY close range, appeared 8 ft or less and trying to get close.
yep that's it. I don't have a speaker on the "puter". ( that is on her list to do!)....

over the years we have seen these "incidents" amount to robbery. o ther times, just senseless murder. I rather take my chances with me or "grandpa" packing a pistol.

I remember like yesterday headed from from college, rural Ga., stopped at a country store, just to find the elderly owner and his wife dead, their brains smattered all over a wall. robbery and senseless murder. too common.
This is why I believe. Use a gun to commit a felonious crime - go to jail for life - period. One federal judicial review within a five year period, and that is just to ensure judicial correctness. That's all you get. Over and done with, no feet dragging, no bleeding heart bullshit. Done. Stop letting POS people to prey on the rest of society over and over.
This is why I believe. Use a gun to commit a felonious crime - go to jail for life - period. One federal judicial review within a five year period, and that is just to ensure judicial correctness. That's all you get. Over and done with, no feet dragging, no bleeding heart bullshit. Done. Stop letting POS people to prey on the rest of society over and over.

pretty much agree.... but give them a job while there so they pay their room and board. too many crimes, too little jail space, especially for the petty criminals, so they just let them out. Springfield, Mo. is in middle of this now. the co. jail won't take the city crooks for lack of space, the city run out of space, so they pay $35-45 a day, board at jails 45-50 mi away plus haul them there!!!!

back home is S Ga. the co. had the " chain gang" for the petty crocks. they rasied their own veggies and meat at the "farm", BOSS carried them around in a bus to road side spots to use the "sling". ( cutting weed, NOT the kind some smoke!)..... yep sorta like the movies, except the movies about the South were most always full of S***!!!!!!

make jail not pleasant at all, maybe some would choose holding an honest job??
I absolutely astounded one of my long time acquaintances awhile back. Something came up, and I remarked that "if you encounter me outside the house, I'm very likely to be armed."

He's still dragging his jaw around. I guess it never occurred to him, that under those sloppy clothes............
I have my permit and I am always armed.


same here jeffinmo. if they commit murder, hangem, electrocute them, give them a shot, or gas chamber ! no bleeding hearts to feel sorry for them. make examples of everyone that does the crime.
I have my permit and I am always armed.


same here jeffinmo. if they commit murder, hangem, electrocute them, give them a shot, or gas chamber ! no bleeding hearts to feel sorry for them. make examples of everyone that does the crime. they didn`t feel sorry for their victims !
You gotta watch out for an old guy with a gun... They may be looking forward to dying and have no fear....
I absolutely astounded one of my long time acquaintances awhile back. Something came up, and I remarked that "if you encounter me outside the house, I'm very likely to be armed."

He's still dragging his jaw around. I guess it never occurred to him, that under those sloppy clothes............

newsflash, I don't wear my Lions jersey because they are such a great football team :banghead:
The truth is, none of us know what would have happened if he sat it out. Squanzelico and Lavernius may very well have panicked and killed some innocent coffee loving customer. Fact is, he didnt give them the chance. Those customers were someone's daughters, sons, Mothers, Aunts, etc. None of them need to be subjected to that. We have incrementally accepted this as "normal behavior" if I may quote Obummer.
Im impressed wirh his quick thinking and balls.out attitude. Saved quite a few lives there I'd say.

Ask any cop what it was like to draw their weapon the first time. The time/ space continuum seems to change, some say its like slow motion. Your mind has a split second to make the correct decision. Give the guy a passing grade. Why do you think there is so much training with firearms in the military? We are all decent with no pressure at the pistol range. When you dont expect it, not so much. Hollywood makes firearm mastery look soooo easy...
This is why I believe. Use a gun to commit a felonious crime - go to jail for life - period. One federal judicial review within a five year period, and that is just to ensure judicial correctness. That's all you get. Over and done with, no feet dragging, no bleeding heart bullshit. Done. Stop letting POS people to prey on the rest of society over and over.

That's crazy talk, you pass that law, and accidental discharges will become felonies... see how that works?