The prayers help

What a great day Snake!! :cheers:Don, You will always be Snake to me :happy10:
Good news and so happy all is looking good for Cindy :happy10::happy10:
A big hug back at'cha :cheers:, Made my good day better seeing this great new's :happy10:

Thanks Memike your like a big Brother to all of usssss.:toothy10:
How's she doing?

She is doing good still puting drops in, and her sight is some what better than befor but wishes she could see more clearer,we go back to the doctor on the 20th and learn mor.Thanks again buddy,cin says thanks for your thoughts.Merry Christmas:cheers:.
She is doing good still puting drops in, and her sight is some what better than befor but wishes she could see more clearer,we go back to the doctor on the 20th and learn mor.Thanks again buddy,cin says thanks for your thoughts.Merry Christmas:cheers:.

Is this what the Dr. had told you her sight would be like or is it not what Cindy expected from the surgery?

Merry Christmas to you both!!!