The Silly Things Guys Say Thread



Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2009
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I was watching (God Help Me) I DVRed Graveyard Cars. I can't take Mark and his BS so I can fast forward.
But got me thinking. Back I the day friends and people at shool would say some crazy stuff so figured a thread about that woukd be cool
We all heard the 100 bucks on dash thing. But what others
I will start.
I knew a guy who said he went so fast that the cars front end was lifted up so high you could turn the steering wheel and car would not turn. Ya sure ya cars a plane dude.

A guy broke his hood and windshield when he forgot to put pins back in.
But he swore the car had so much power it ripped the hood open. You could see no damages in the pin area.
If I had a dime for everyone who told me thier uncle had a duster, just like mine, but he ordered it with the 6 pack hemi, I could afford a 6 pack hemi
A guy with a 71 Dart 440 with an open rear end told me he can't race it because it would separate the windshield from the car. Yes, he was serious
Yep hear the $100 on the dash story as well. I was also in a buddies Monza when he forgot to put hood pins in, when racing, yep buckled right back into windshield. He asked me to keep it a secret lol, totally embarrassed.
All the sillyness kinda takes away from real crap ya seen. A guy a knew David L. Bought a brand new Honda CBX told me it would do a full front wheel pull from 65_70MPH roll.
So we got in my Challlenger got along side him.
He got down on it and sure enough that 6 cylinder Super Bike pulled the front up and pulled away from me, with his girl friend on the back.
As crazy as he was he did some work on it and installed a wheelie bar.
Edit: checked the internet says top speed stock 105hp 140mph. Mid 11s 1/4 mile.

Have no idea what it ran after he worked on it. Scary fast on 2 wheels , and faster than most anything street driven back then.
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My first drive in a 383 ‘67 Coronet I went up on the interstate with a friend as passenger and was going so fast we hit one of the tar expansion joints in a curve and the car jumped two lanes before it sat back down.
Silly stuff guys say is tolerable.
It’s the flat out stupid **** they say that gets me.

“I bought this car from where it was parked for 50 years right up against the wall on the border with Mexico.
Had to drive 700 miles to Las Cruces with a trailer to get it”

You dumbass, Las Cruces is in New Mexico.
Silly stuff guys say is tolerable.
It’s the flat out stupid **** they say that gets me.

“I bought this car from where it was parked for 50 years right up against the wall on the border with Mexico.
Had to drive 700 miles to Las Cruces with a trailer to get it”

You dumbass, Las Cruces is in New Mexico.