the toilet



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
O K so the church group is against the "trans gender folks". the trans gender folks want to use their "new" choosen restroom. otherwise, its descrimination, they claim like civil rights days stuff.....

I really have something of a hard time figuring this all out. the guy that becomes a girl. does he still have his "petoe" ? O K ... so pee in the privacy of the stall....??? besides there is no urinal in the ladies restroom, just stalls. if he is still has his "equipments" does he has any sexual interest in his newly found female friends that may be in the safe confines of a public restroom?? ya would not think so. BUT..... if he is dressed as the woman he claimed to be, and guys in the mens restroom figure this girl is a guy,,, are they angry, confused, and maybe considering her for a date????

O K , now if the girl becomes a trans -gened-erized guy, I assume the med world has not the ability to "equip " her with the "petoe"??? but there are stalls for her (him) to use, probably doesn't need the urinal anyway>??? NOW, if this girl has done a good job of becoming a "lady", if guess the other girls just accept the guy peeing in their restroom? since he looks, talks, walks, just like a girl, has no interest in anything sexual......... back to the arguement about ducks and chicken eggs......

NOW, If these trans gender ized folks play golf,,,,,, we all know out there in the wide open spaces of the gold course, there is only a restroom bout half way, some folks just has to "GO" out in the fresh air,,,,,,,,, so, are we now talking squatting or standing...????????????

sorry, I 'm just confused..... no disrespect to anyone that has lost or gained a "petro">>>>>
If it's got a pecker, it's a dude. It can pee in the men's room. No pecker, ladies room. Might be kinda weird taking a leak next to a dude with a nice rack tho...
If it's got a pecker, it's a dude. It can pee in the men's room. No pecker, ladies room. Might be kinda weird taking a leak next to a dude with a nice rack tho...

just as sick as full blown queers . the bible says they are an abomination to GOD !
If there is a God then supposedly there is only one God, but each society with different beliefs swears their God is the one and only true God.
So how are we supposed to take any of that seriously?

I say live and let live, and if you want to be "Godly" just follow the ten commandments and don't muddy it all up with opposing ideals justified by what the individual society wants to interpret out of all the "amendments" and resulting seemingly justified reinterpretations.
The 10 basically covered it all unless a person or society wishes to evade it. (and they do)
Have a pee pee or don't make absolutely no difference to me, yet people supposedly way more "Godly than I am judges another that they only know by the "Name" they were assigned in describing how they are different from us.

Why would any self respecting alien life form ever want to meet us? :D
Geez, i didnt know you guys didnt like Gays that much. I guess i shouldnt post pics of me and My Boyfriend kissing then. Hes super cute.
id tell you how I really feel about this...but that would get this thread moved to the N&P section

so ill just play nice and shutty
I can't figure it out either. However the Bible is very clear that we ALL are born with a sinful nature and we are ALL sinners. All of us fall short, for example by judging others.
If it's got a pecker, it's a dude. It can pee in the men's room. No pecker, ladies room. Might be kinda weird taking a leak next to a dude with a nice rack tho...

I TOTALLY agree. I am sick of 5% of the population telling the rest of us what to do. Don't be fooled by the garbage statistics you hear. Only about 5% of the population is gay, and less than 1% is Trans Gender. Sorry, but there IS a God, and he does NOT abide by Homosexuality. Remember Sodom and Gomorra? I am 100% against giving them their own bathroom.
I started this as a sorta ha ha joke type thing. yes, my belief on the subject falls into the religious side. BUT, I also figure it like this, I personaly don't really care if every woman and wanna be woman or if every real guy or wanna be guy,,,,, wants to use the mens restroom. have at it!! I don't care. besides.... at work I pee outside, at home I pee outside. LOL

ya know, 10-15 years ago, TV started having their "gay" sitcoms. I guess the powers to be, decided to set up the stage back then for all this...what people do in the privacy of their home is their business, but when the "exercise " their freedoms to opening show their gay lifestyle in public, its just too much for me. sorry.....

I guess this joke has moved into the "politicial" side. the states and fed govn't will HASH it all out!!!!! meanwhile I just go on peeing out here in the country where I want..
My concern is, what if some guy who's not trans gender wants to get off using the ladies room, so he can stalk women and little girls. I don't want to worry when my wife uses the rest room. I certainly don't want some woman pretended to be a man in the restroom with me. I think this opens up a can of worms. Why does 95%of the population have to be accommodating to the 5%?
is it me or is it CRAZY (as in straight up nuckin' futz) that a man who is now a "woman" is expected to piss in the men's room...?? Scenario: man is teaching 4 year old son to use a urinal - "woman" walks into men's room... need I say more? Question: how would YOU explain it?
Careful peeing outside in the country my brother got poison ivy on his ying yang doing that. lol

chiggers (redbugs), biggest threat. country boys don't pee in the wind or take a leak in poision ivy!!! LOL

ok I got confused. not sure where the altered sex people really want to pee!!!!!!

we don't have any here, they all move away to "greener" pastures!!! ( big cities) or afraid of the hillbillies and rednecks??? not sure which.
I would have a problem if. I was watching a grand daughter and she needed to use the little girls room. Then! I just saw a man walk in after her in a dress. Well you all know most of us would need to be bailed out after that thought goes through our heads.

I say just start locking them up with partners of the opposite sex. Maybe we can convert them. Or just get them their own Island
I would have a problem if. I was watching a grand daughter and she needed to use the little girls room. Then! I just saw a man walk in after her in a dress.

What about the man in a suit who follows your grandson into the men's room? Or more likely, the coach who is in the locker room with him every day? Same concerns there, but you don't worry about it because it looks normal.

Maybe the least bad option is to have more "family restrooms" in public places. People who are supervising a child of the opposite sex already use those, and people of non-standard sex could use them without bothering anyone.
How about if the transgender are willing to chop of the schlong, then they can use the women's restroom... :violent1:

If they aren't serious enough about it to cut the schlong off, then they must stay in the men's room.... Otherwise they are out for a cheap thrill in the women's room.... :twisted:

Put your money/schlong where your mouth is... (Um... that didn't come out right... ---> that didn't either.... --> I'll just stop here so I don't dig a deeper hole.... ---> dam, I did it again...) :banghead: