


Nov 15, 2005
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A-hole(s) stole the battery out of my Ramcharger. I'm just a few weeks away from getting my outdoor camera too.

The battery was a POS and probably over 6 years old, but now they know what's under that hood. I just chained the hood down 5 minutes ago.

@(*&%*^@*&$*&%!$@^&!$%$@(*&%_(*^*^@!#)$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :axe:

They or him are very, very lucky I wasn't home. I don't have a set schedule.
That sucks. Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully, that battery dies and leaves the punk stranded somewhere.
You sure it wasn't the squirrels or gremlins? I always have trouble with both. :(
That really sucks. I would suggest moving the baterry inside. Make a box that drops it into the floor on the back right side. Does that have an inside hood latch? If not, I would install one of those too.

Hope those ^%^%&%$ get what they deserve (a good beating)
That sucks. Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully, that battery dies and leaves the punk stranded somewhere.

I think it was scrappers that pulled it. I hope it blows up in their junk truck and sprays them and families with sulfuric acid.

You sure it wasn't the squirrels or gremlins? I always have trouble with both. :(

The squirrels out here wouldn't be big enough to drag the battery any distance and I haven't seen any methhead gremlins lurking about. :fucyc:
Sorry to hear about that. The crazy thing is I just came home from a friend of mine's place and Mon. night someone stole his trans. for his big block that was right next to his garage door. He had come over to give me a hand with my car and returned to no trans.
It had fluid in it so I hope poured all over them.

I think we need to place M18 Claymore mines with motion detectors, and yes with cameras so we can SEE the results.
Bastards are everywhere, my son had a gallon can of paint thrown at his 5 ton rollback a couple days ago. He got the paint off but 3 good sized dents with paint chipped off of a less than 1 yr old base/clear paint job. In total there were 11 vehicles hit that night in the same way. Most of the 11 have been in contact with each other, if the little pricks are caught there's goin be a hangin, makes my blood boil :violent1:
That really sucks. I would suggest moving the baterry inside. Make a box that drops it into the floor on the back right side. Does that have an inside hood latch? If not, I would install one of those too.

Hope those ^%^%&%$ get what they deserve (a good beating)

Agreed. I just hope he's not passing the word about some cool engine he saw while ripping off a battery. Outside latch but it will be chained from here on out, they'd just bust the window to get at the inside latch.

Sorry to hear about that. The crazy thing is I just came home from a friend of mine's place and Mon. night someone stole his trans. for his big block that was right next to his garage door. He had come over to give me a hand with my car and returned to no trans.
It had fluid in it so I hope poured all over them.

I think we need to place M18 Claymore mines with motion detectors, and yes with cameras so we can SEE the results.

Or a booby trap made out of bear repellent. That'll teach the little punks. I'll have to see if I can find a tear gas grenade with red smoke or some such device.

I'll post it on you tube if I catch 'em on camera.

Bastards are everywhere, my son had a gallon can of paint thrown at his 5 ton rollback a couple days ago. He got the paint off but 3 good sized dents with paint chipped off of a less than 1 yr old base/clear paint job. In total there were 11 vehicles hit that night in the same way. Most of the 11 have been in contact with each other, if the little pricks are caught there's goin be a hangin, makes my blood boil :violent1:

Peckerheads. I hope they rot.
Time to dust of the .45......

No dust on my .45 :smile:

In reality, I can't shoot them regarless of how much they deserve it....... unless they came at me with a tire iron or tool or something along those lines.
officer - why did you shoot that man
you - making sure the 45 works.... yup. Works.
No dust on my .45 :smile:

In reality, I can't shoot them regarless of how much they deserve it....... unless they came at me with a tire iron or tool or something along those lines.

Don't kill them, just maim them really bad.....then the torture begins....:violent2:
Does that have an inside hood latch? If not, I would install one of those too.

Install an inside latch and wire the now unused outside latch to your home 220 volt while the truck is parked on your property. Fry the bastards.

No dust on my .45 :smile:

In reality, I can't shoot them regarless of how much they deserve it....... unless they came at me with a tire iron or tool or something along those lines.

au contraire mon fraire!!! Here in the once Murder Capital of the can indeed shot them under the following rules.
1. go to any out of state hunting store and buy a rather large hunting knife...if you touch it clean it thoroughly with Brake Kleen which will remove anything that even resembles fingerprints. put on a pair of Nitrile gloves then put on a pair of latex gloves over the Nitrile...pick up the knife and place it in a glad plastic freezer bag. tuck it away somewhere
2. Lay in wait
3. pump the entire clip into the SOB
4. Re-install both sets of gloves ( using brand new ones of course)
5. go to your "tuck away "place and retrieve the blade.
6. go back to the body and with the gloves still on place the knife in his hand..a few times in different positions squeezing his hand on the knife each time you change positions...decide on a final position place it and squeeze his hand again....gently replace his arm where you lifted it from with the knife still in his hand
7. call the police and tell them someone has just attacked you and tried to kill you and you shot them dead

likely he already has a record, so NOT much investigating will happen...they may ask why you emptied the clip and you tell them he just KEPT COMING!!!!...

From that day forward you could leave a brand NEW battery sitting in your driveway out by the street with a $100 bill taped to the top and NOBODY will look at it twice!!! what you are seeking is...DE-MOTIVATION...emptying a full 45 clip into someone...tends to
De-motivate his pals from selecting YOUR place as a target!!

According to a Detroit Detective friend, this happens all the time and they are helpless, there is a weapon with his prints all over it and he aint saying nuttin....people with criminal records who get "whacked" the investigation is pretty "was he really trying to kill you?" say YES .....they go away...done

Have fun!!!
Yep they got all the radiators and batterys in the last 2 months I will shoot if I ever see the bastards and am putting the camera up tomorrow.
officer - why did you shoot that man
you - making sure the 45 works.... yup. Works.


Little piss ant pricks... best of luck in your gremlin hunt

Thanks man.

Don't kill them, just maim them really bad.....then the torture begins....:violent2:

Carving the Ramcharger logo in their foreheads with a die grinder and a porting carbide would be a good start. :thumbup:

I feel ur pain still waiting on restitution from a theft in dec 2010..

Sorry superdart, sounds like they/it got caught though.

Install an inside latch and wire the now unused outside latch to your home 220 volt while the truck is parked on your property. Fry the bastards.


Ahh! The old hot foot! :rambo:

au contraire mon fraire!!! Here in the once Murder Capital of the can indeed shot them under the following rules.
1. go to any out of state hunting store and buy a rather large hunting knife...if you touch it clean it thoroughly with Brake Kleen which will remove anything that even resembles fingerprints. put on a pair of Nitrile gloves then put on a pair of latex gloves over the Nitrile...pick up the knife and place it in a glad plastic freezer bag. tuck it away somewhere
2. Lay in wait
3. pump the entire clip into the SOB
4. Re-install both sets of gloves ( using brand new ones of course)
5. go to your "tuck away "place and retrieve the blade.
6. go back to the body and with the gloves still on place the knife in his hand..a few times in different positions squeezing his hand on the knife each time you change positions...decide on a final position place it and squeeze his hand again....gently replace his arm where you lifted it from with the knife still in his hand
7. call the police and tell them someone has just attacked you and tried to kill you and you shot them dead

likely he already has a record, so NOT much investigating will happen...they may ask why you emptied the clip and you tell them he just KEPT COMING!!!!...

From that day forward you could leave a brand NEW battery sitting in your driveway out by the street with a $100 bill taped to the top and NOBODY will look at it twice!!! what you are seeking is...DE-MOTIVATION...emptying a full 45 clip into someone...tends to
De-motivate his pals from selecting YOUR place as a target!!

According to a Detroit Detective friend, this happens all the time and they are helpless, there is a weapon with his prints all over it and he aint saying nuttin....people with criminal records who get "whacked" the investigation is pretty "was he really trying to kill you?" say YES .....they go away...done

Have fun!!!

LMAO!!!! ;-)

Yep they got all the radiators and batterys in the last 2 months I will shoot if I ever see the bastards and am putting the camera up tomorrow.

Happy hunting my friend! I know just how you feel.
No dust on my .45 :smile:

In reality, I can't shoot them regarless of how much they deserve it....... unless they came at me with a tire iron or tool or something along those lines.

dont worry about it, if you really need it I'll send you a new tire iron
A-hole(s) stole the battery out of my Ramcharger. I'm just a few weeks away from getting my outdoor camera too.

The battery was a POS and probably over 6 years old, but now they know what's under that hood. I just chained the hood down 5 minutes ago.

@(*&%*^@*&$*&%!$@^&!$%$@(*&%_(*^*^@!#)$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :axe:

They or him are very, very lucky I wasn't home. I don't have a set schedule.

I just got home and seen this on top of the page :angryfir:
Thieves :thumbdow::thumbdow: I will pitch a tent and hunt them down ...
Set them up... what ever it takes to make them know I am not the house or person to muck with..... :angry4:
I have the reputation that do not even attempt this at memikes place or my friends and family :angry4: They are scum.. and are in season year around and can be snared, shot and or caught....
Sorry for the rant Joe, and so sorry to hear you have them in your area like most of us do. The world will get even worse and so will my skills to keep them back as you are doing with camera's and I am sure you have protection and the right to protect your property.... I guess you know I have time on my hands and can change my sleeping time to catch these @#$%^&*...
If you have a gas thief keep a 3 gallon gas jug with an easy access full to bait them... but have 2 1/2 gallons of water mixed with a quart of gas...
I just got back from APA night and just had to chime in,
Thieves are all around us, and some come in to our homes with friends, and when strangers come in I set traps, like the old med cabinet in the bath room :rambo:, I prop things in it so if anyone opens it things come falling out and make noise.. I caught a girl the last time I did this and out the door she went.. With a reputation of being a thief,, Thieves are in season year around and I have a life time license to locate and catch, trap or what ever it takes to keep them away from my folks near by my home and gives me a self worth doing it
Yep, I get wound up when this chit happens to me and will go that extra step because I can and will to see them in the news the next day...

I have a no tolerance problem and it scares Treva and my family when I get hit by one.. I turn in to a blood hound named Manix

Sorry ramcharger, I know how you feel bud and I get a little wound up over this stuff and have caught my share as you know :rambo:

I feel better know :thumbup:
au contraire mon fraire!!! Here in the once Murder Capital of the can indeed shot them under the following rules.
1. go to any out of state hunting store and buy a rather large hunting knife...if you touch it clean it thoroughly with Brake Kleen which will remove anything that even resembles fingerprints. put on a pair of Nitrile gloves then put on a pair of latex gloves over the Nitrile...pick up the knife and place it in a glad plastic freezer bag. tuck it away somewhere
2. Lay in wait
3. pump the entire clip into the SOB
4. Re-install both sets of gloves ( using brand new ones of course)
5. go to your "tuck away "place and retrieve the blade.
6. go back to the body and with the gloves still on place the knife in his hand..a few times in different positions squeezing his hand on the knife each time you change positions...decide on a final position place it and squeeze his hand again....gently replace his arm where you lifted it from with the knife still in his hand
7. call the police and tell them someone has just attacked you and tried to kill you and you shot them dead

likely he already has a record, so NOT much investigating will happen...they may ask why you emptied the clip and you tell them he just KEPT COMING!!!!...

From that day forward you could leave a brand NEW battery sitting in your driveway out by the street with a $100 bill taped to the top and NOBODY will look at it twice!!! what you are seeking is...DE-MOTIVATION...emptying a full 45 clip into someone...tends to
De-motivate his pals from selecting YOUR place as a target!!

According to a Detroit Detective friend, this happens all the time and they are helpless, there is a weapon with his prints all over it and he aint saying nuttin....people with criminal records who get "whacked" the investigation is pretty "was he really trying to kill you?" say YES .....they go away...done

Have fun!!!
Way to much like work, just dig a hole and get a few bags of lime.....
dont worry about it, if you really need it I'll send you a new tire iron


Man that sucks Joe, even if the battery was old. Good luck catching them.

That old die hard would barley start my Jeep and would only start the RC if left it on the charger for half a day, but it did still suit my purposes for moving my junk around and I can't really find a half dead battery for sale.

It's more a pain in the butt than anything else but I feel so violated knowing they were on my property. I'm going to ask my landlord about putting up a sliding 8' fence gate in the back.

I just got home and seen this on top of the page :angryfir:
Thieves :thumbdow::thumbdow: I will pitch a tent and hunt them down ...
Set them up... what ever it takes to make them know I am not the house or person to muck with..... :angry4:
I have the reputation that do not even attempt this at memikes place or my friends and family :angry4: They are scum.. and are in season year around and can be snared, shot and or caught....
Sorry for the rant Joe, and so sorry to hear you have them in your area like most of us do. The world will get even worse and so will my skills to keep them back as you are doing with camera's and I am sure you have protection and the right to protect your property.... I guess you know I have time on my hands and can change my sleeping time to catch these @#$%^&*...
If you have a gas thief keep a 3 gallon gas jug with an easy access full to bait them... but have 2 1/2 gallons of water mixed with a quart of gas...
I just got back from APA night and just had to chime in,
Thieves are all around us, and some come in to our homes with friends, and when strangers come in I set traps, like the old med cabinet in the bath room :rambo:, I prop things in it so if anyone opens it things come falling out and make noise.. I caught a girl the last time I did this and out the door she went.. With a reputation of being a thief,, Thieves are in season year around and I have a life time license to locate and catch, trap or what ever it takes to keep them away from my folks near by my home and gives me a self worth doing it
Yep, I get wound up when this chit happens to me and will go that extra step because I can and will to see them in the news the next day...

I have a no tolerance problem and it scares Treva and my family when I get hit by one.. I turn in to a blood hound named Manix

Sorry ramcharger, I know how you feel bud and I get a little wound up over this stuff and have caught my share as you know :rambo:

I feel better know :thumbup:

I don't have the time to hunt the pricks down but I have a plan Mike. :) It seems that you and I hate theives about the same amount.

Way to much like work, just dig a hole and get a few bags of lime.....
