There are still nice people out there



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Silver Springs, FL
I had been working, and was pretty "scrufty" looking. Stopped into a store that only takes cash or card. Didn't have much cash on me, but hate to use card for gallon of milk, loaf of bread and 2 bunches of bannanas. Idly mentioned to the woman behind me "hope I have enough cash". She responded "don't worry about it, I'll cover it, if your short. I thanked her, and explained my situation.
PS: I had enough cash.
As you walked away I bet you felt that good Karma feeling :color: you must be living right Charrlie 8)
Seeing your good karma come back your way for the things you have dun for others in the past, it's good to see this thread pop up today :coffee2:
Yes there are still good people out there,getting rare tho...we should all be more aware of our fellow man and be less judgemental for we never know when we may be in need or if we are called upon to make a moral decision to test our humanity...I have been helped before and have also helped...I would rather help someone than be helped but am grateful that I did recieve help at certain times in my life...but the old saying ''it's better to give than recieve'' is golden and good for the soul.....but dont expect me to give you my Mopar stuff,aint happening...
Great story Charlie. I thought you were always scrufty.
That's John Wayne in a still from The Searchers.