Thermo quad 6138s ?

No, the X-rings drop into the wells in the bowl to seal the primary extensions on the top housing. What rods appear incorrect? I might have spares.
What I meant?Is the primary extensions?Do they set on top of the quad?Rings or do they go in the middle of the quadrings when you put it together. The accelerator pump rod and choke pull off rod doesn't look the same... I am also missing the little spring on the choke assembly
The aluminum primary extensions have a flat that is sealed to the bowl via the quad rings. Just drop them into the two pockets in the bowl , making sure they are flat(not cocked). Do you have the torque sequence and spec?
I think I almost have it but something looks different about my accelerator pump rod compared to yours, but until I do the setting on the accelerator pump that might cmine just looks short. Compared to your pic

