This is so wrong!!



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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I know this may what is now normal, but to me it is still WAY too early.
I has in Sam's Club today to pick up my wife's Rx drugs and found lots of
Christmas stuff out.
I was at Walgreen's a couple of weeks ago, and commented to the kid behind the counter that it seemed too early to have Halloween candy and costumes out already. He told me that they had just gotten all of their Christmas stuff the day before. You are right, though. Regardless of how things are done now, it is still WAY too early.
Where I live there is a world famous monsoon season and the local towns make good money off tourism during them.
So the "town" decided to officially start monsoon season a month earlier.
Mother nature didn't of course, so they are just making thier selling season longer.

Kind of the same idea.
Christmas is my favorite of year. I don't care if it was out all year long.
Christmas stuff should not be out until AFTER thanksgiving, but that was back in the day when stores were also closed on Sundays and ALL HOLIDAYS

We went to Garden Ridge probably a month ago and they had Christmas, Halloween and thanksgiving stuff out

We have so much x mas stuff and cannot give it away. One the wife doesn't want to get rid of it. Have not decorated in years. The last time I made an effort the outside lights had areas that were out before I got them all up........... I QUIT!
I love Christmas as well, but what you see is hedonistic consumerism. Money, money, money and rarely is the word Christmas allowed to be used in a store.
..already started here...should be a law that states that no Christmas stuff should be out before remembrance day..
Never say it's too early, Mike.

We get snow in town, Friday.

2nd earliest in the year, on record, if we get it.
-still 80 degrees here and I'm in NEW ENGLAND! I agree Christmas stuff ought to be out for those art type peoplethat do alot of their own stuff, in CRAFT STORES, but in Home Depot, and HELL FALL hasn't came upon us yet the leaves are still GREEN. some of you southern folk I know you don't get that season change we do here in the the north east but DAMN....Let one season end BEFORE goin into the not the next season, BUT the following season!
Dave, when the snow reaches Georgetown then you know it's close. LOL
Ha, I get to go to the islands for Christmas, courtesy of Mom in law,....No crowds, no presents, No traffic, No decorations, no xmas bills,....Yee Haw, I've waited a long time for this.

I'll do a midnight mass to remember the "reason for the season", and thats it.
I think it's wrong for stores to start stocking for Christmas without even
hanging one wreath to commemorate the veterans on November 11th....
I'm with you, there should be no Christmas stuff in the stores, until after Thanksgiving. One holiday at a time thank you.

Heck, Halloween is still a month and a half away, and they have Christmas stuff out.
At least, for now, we still have Christmas. (We don't want to offend