This will require Honesty: Free KYB's 4 A body


California Dart

Dont List Websites Here
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Oceanside, California
I recently removed my front Gas Adjust KYB shocks from my 74 Dart Swinger. These have about 100 miles on them and basically new. I'd like to ship them to someone that is struggling for free (about $10.00 shipping). I'll simply put a stamped self adressed return envelope in the package for what ever the shipping fees are and they can send a money order or check. If anyone knows of a guy on here struggling that could use these let me know.
Cliff aka Valiant Rebel best person I can think of. He has big dreams for his little A body but small budget. Hes an older fella too dont much cash flow coming it but one heck of a guy. If you decide to send to him I have address. I cant think of a better member then him.

If that dont work. Offer them up int he Young Guns threads. Get ahold of Cudachick she does stuff with the young guns.
i agree ^^^^^^^
shoot, send me the shipping bill , ill cover that part!
Cliff aka Valiant Rebel best person I can think of. He has big dreams for his little A body but small budget. Hes an older fella too dont much cash flow coming it but one heck of a guy. If you decide to send to him I have address. I cant think of a better member then him.

If that dont work. Offer them up int he Young Guns threads. Get ahold of Cudachick she does stuff with the young guns.
Let me know your best suggestion. PM me an address and they're gone.
Very good of you plot to offer to pay the shipping....I would just say send them to Cliff..
I am probably going to get attacked for saying this but there are 22,000 members here. How about helping someone besides Cliff? He seems like a great guy but I know there are others that are just as deserving of help that are just afraid to speak up.
I recently removed my front Gas Adjust KYB shocks from my 74 Dart Swinger. These have about 100 miles on them and basically new. I'd like to ship them to someone that is struggling for free (about $10.00 shipping). I'll simply put a stamped self adressed return envelope in the package for what ever the shipping fees are and they can send a money order or check. If anyone knows of a guy on here struggling that could use these let me know.

Wow, this just blows me away! :D :D :D Very cool!!!

I appreciate the mention but the 2011 Young Guns Contest just finished up a couple weeks ago and it's my understanding most of the prizes have already been distributed. Maybe Project65 -- who ran it this time around -- can chime in here if he can think of a worthy recipient.

It's too bad there's rubber seals and hydraulics in those shocks Mr. California Dart or I'd say to just ship them here to coat gratis before giving them away. Nice move!!!

And welcome to The Family. :D
I am probably going to get attacked for saying this but there are 22,000 members here. How about helping someone besides Cliff? He seems like a great guy but I know there are others that are just as deserving of help that are just afraid to speak up.

Yes you are correct. There are plenty deserving people. Of the 22,000 there isnt near that many active every day users. Not that they would have to be but Cliff comes to mind in these situations. Can I ask Michael can you suggest someone? I too like seeing things go to good people which is why I suggested Cliff or the Young Guns.
I know that most of the members are not active on a daily bases. I also know that Cliff is very active and I am sure he would appreciate the parts I just wanted to suggest that there may be another deserving person out there. I have only been a member for 4 months and do not know what many of the members need or there financial situations. There are many long time members here that are more suited to making that decision than I am.
Yes you are correct. There are plenty deserving people. Of the 22,000 there isnt near that many active every day users. Not that they would have to be but Cliff comes to mind in these situations. Can I ask Michael can you suggest someone? I too like seeing things go to good people which is why I suggested Cliff or the Young Guns.
I personally would like to see these go to that person that has nothing. Maybe someone hurting so much he can't afford membership. I've asked the "Chic" to help me. Women are real good at stuff like this.

And thank you guys for your help.
I'll end this post here and see what happens.
I personally would like to see these go to that person that has nothing. Maybe someone hurting so much he can't afford membership. I've asked the "Chic" to help me. Women are real good at stuff like this.

And thank you guys for your help.
I'll end this post here and see what happens.

California Dart;

First THANK YOU for your generosity. Second if you need some help paying for the shipping let me know I don't have a lot but I am willing to help pay to ship these to a deserving member.

:sign3: Did not read all the posts.
Great thing you did here!
I,m glad I,m secure enough I don't need them. I would have a hard time accepting them if I did. When I had my stroke it ruined me financially but my boss secretly slipped my wife a check a couple times. It was done secretly because he knew I was too proud to ask for or accept his charity. I do like to give though. I have never found anything that makes me as high. Kudos California dart for the great gesture.
I am probably going to get attacked for saying this but there are 22,000 members here. How about helping someone besides Cliff? He seems like a great guy but I know there are others that are just as deserving of help that are just afraid to speak up.

god does not help those who will not help themselves. if cliff seen the post he would, he is not shy. you, talk about some other member that are afraid to speak up. well, how are we supposed to know who they are or where to send parts? lol
IMO I think you are sincere about your intentions,but wouldn't useing the PM'S be the route to go. I personally wouldn't want my tough times be compared with others in public for a neat set of shocks. But again a great jesture!!!!
god does not help those who will not help themselves. if cliff seen the post he would, he is not shy. you, talk about some other member that are afraid to speak up. well, how are we supposed to know who they are or where to send parts? lol


The reason why everyone knows about Cliff's issues is because he is not afraid to speak out about them. I know there are others in just as tough of a financial situation. How do we know who they are if they don't tell us? Well because we read there posts. We see that they are selling stuff they would rather keep to buy Christmas gifts or pay their rent. Because many people myself included do not want to speak directly about their personal issues doesn't mean we can not tell if we just read between the lines. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Yall have been more than kind to me. I think it's somebody else's turn. I really appreciate the thought though. Thank you. Cliffie can have them...he gets my vote.

But I do agree with the 22,000 member statement. Surely there must be others here who we can help too. But they need to speak up. We're always doin stuff like this because of the caliber people that make up this site. Maybe we could do a monthly kinda thing. Just a thought. I phasers and FIRE, Mr. Worf. lol
I would also vote for Cliff....I am sure I have a few extra parts also Cliff...If you would Pm Cliff, I would send ya a little something also for your ride..
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what makes this site so good.The best people on the planet willing to help their fellow hobbist.Very nice gesture.........................Jeff
I say Cliff as well..those shocks will be good for Lucy.
wow this is really awesome to see! my lady is in the middle of doing a food and clothing drive so we can feed the huge population of homeless veterans in our area. its nice to see others giving as well. her family doesnt understand why we are working to help others while we our selves are in such dire straits, since my disability. cheers