Those Tasty Animals



Odd one out
Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
Olympia, WA
A few nights ago my uncle brought over some backstrap from a black bear my cousin, his son, got a few weeks back. First time I had bear, and he pan-fried it with some flour and seasoning. Delicious! It was gone in minutes. He also brought over some ground moose and antelope meat for some burgers, haven't cooked those yet. Never tried moose or antelope!

Anyone else enjoy game? Or maybe something a little out of the ordinary? Maybe even a recipe for moose/antelope burgers? :)D) I think the most 'out of the ordinary' I've had was ground kangaroo and ostrich steak. Both very tasty.
Can't say I've had the opportunity to try any of those you mention.
You can get a buffalo burger in town here when you like.
I've had bear meat once - it was tasty.
From what I've heard, if they eat fish, the meat isn't so good, but that's just hearsay - no personal experience.

Had Javelina on the same trip - it had been done up deli style (like lunch meat) - made a great sandwich.

The elk was also outstanding.
Here's how I cook my moose burger.

Shred some old cheddar cheese, enough to make a cheese slice for each burger
Chop one onion into small pieces
2 lbs moose burger
2 garlic cloves, minced
black pepper
steak spice
other spices as you see fit

combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well, make patties and BBQ on tinfoil or fry in fry pan. Makes 8 burgers.
Please note: salt and pepper use is optional and to your own taste. Cook burgers until all meat is brown, A little hard to tell due to cheese in the mix.

Use favorite condiments.

deer backstrap cooked by a good cook is wonderful. never had bear.

coon tastes like chipped beef.

when I was a kid I had bb q possum. didn't know what it was till after the fact. It was actually very good, but I would not eat it again...... obviously!!!

had an Australian vet once, i asked him if they ate ROO? he said NO< they are wormey!??? ha

squirrel (tree rats) are good if you don't get an OLD male.

mex. love snapping turtle, never had the pleasure!

rattlesnake!??? nope and don't want any!!!
Probably the most "game-y" thing I've had is rattlesnake.

Quite good.

Kind of like a cross between gator and catfish.
Whitetail, it's a regular item at my place. Might buy less than 10 lbs of ground beef in a year. Steaks / roasts / burger / summer sausage etc...
Alligator, it is great! Frog legs are awesome also.
I had bear roast once many years ago. Not bad at all, quite tasty matter of fact. This is a question for all who hunt and eat their kills. Do you usually add fat to the meat, since game meat is usually so lean? Friends who hunt end up adding pork fat to their ground mixes so it won't be dry. Is that right/wrong or what do you do? And if this is hijacking, I apologize.
...we've always prepared our moose,venison or bear just like beef.
care in the field can affect the taste though.
I had bear roast once many years ago. Not bad at all, quite tasty matter of fact. This is a question for all who hunt and eat their kills. Do you usually add fat to the meat, since game meat is usually so lean? Friends who hunt end up adding pork fat to their ground mixes so it won't be dry. Is that right/wrong or what do you do? And if this is hijacking, I apologize.

lot of people ad d pork yes. summer sausage here would be combo of the venison and pork too/ ...
I have a friend that his annual diet is mainly venison and wild turkey ( the 2 legged winged version!). I would eat more but scared of the idiots running loose in the timber!
I've had bison or buffalo or whatever they were calling it. A little sweet for my taste.
Dove is also pretty good... Everything is better with Bacon right??


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Being from Wyoming such food is just normal. Elk, Deer, Antelope, Moose , Bear etc is nothing unusual and my kids were pretty much raised on wild game. Makes me think of my youngest daughter. She was about ten years old and hadn't finished eating quite a while after the rest of the family. She was sitting there kind of pushing food around on her plate. My wife asked her if she wasn't feeling well. She responded by saying that she felt fine. So, my wife said, "You aren't eating...what's the problem?" Her response; "This meat tastes funny." We had bought beef!!
Seems fitting to me


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we have on a number of occasions watched people who don't like moose enjoy more than one serving of moose, not knowing what they were eating
Growing up we pretty much ate whatever we could catch, trap or shoot. In addition to the "standards", i.e., Deer, Black Bear, Fowl, Pheasant, Grouse, Quail, Dove, Squirrel, Rabbit, Wild Turkey etc, we've cooked up rattler, raccoon, and even porcupine one time. Nowadays deer and upland game are typically what makes it onto the dinner table when wild game is on the menu. Just don't get to hunt/trap as much as I did in my younger days. But hope to change that now that my wife and I are building a place on parcel in Northern WI. I miss having a freezer full of wild game and fish...

Be well all,
Here's how I cook my moose burger.

Shred some old cheddar cheese, enough to make a cheese slice for each burger
Chop one onion into small pieces
2 lbs moose burger
2 garlic cloves, minced
black pepper
steak spice
other spices as you see fit

combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well, make patties and BBQ on tinfoil or fry in fry pan. Makes 8 burgers.
Please note: salt and pepper use is optional and to your own taste. Cook burgers until all meat is brown, A little hard to tell due to cheese in the mix.

Use favorite condiments.


Thanks Jack! Sounds like it's right up our alley.

I had bear roast once many years ago. Not bad at all, quite tasty matter of fact. This is a question for all who hunt and eat their kills. Do you usually add fat to the meat, since game meat is usually so lean? Friends who hunt end up adding pork fat to their ground mixes so it won't be dry. Is that right/wrong or what do you do? And if this is hijacking, I apologize.

When my uncles go hunting for deer, they usually grind up some of the meat with a certain percentage (I think like 15%?) with ground bacon. I'll tell ya, I'll have the venison/bacon burger over beef any day! Best burger in my opinion. They're going hunting Sunday; I hope burgers and backstrap are in my future!

I've had friends and friends of family say they love frog legs, rattlesnake, and gator. Come to think of it, I did have gator jerky once at the state fair. Wasn't bad at all!
being r aised n south Ga. I thought dove and quail to be " regular" food!!!
ain't enough of them in Missouri to bother with. wild turkey pop is huge though.
when the kids where little, a neighbor lady babysat them . they raised pen rabbits. the kids always though they were eating fried chicken! ha
I must protest!

I will be donning my PETA shirt today.

People Eating Tasty Animals. lmao
Hey Jack if you never had 'Kevin's spice mix' get some when you are down south next time. I'll get you the real name as soon as I find the bottle, it's good on potato slices, pop corn all meats, in sauces, or mostly anything.