Tim Tebow

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Matthew 6:5-6

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

That's what I mean.

ya gotta be carefull...the non-believes like to pick certain passages out of the bible and put their spin on it.....kinda like the second ammendment is about hunting

I hope you are a Christian....we are stronger in numbers.

for me...back to football...................
I need a hemi...

no...you need to build something....like a garage.

Then launder the money needed for the Hemi upgrade thru the build so the wife never finds out.

I got it pretty much figured out for you...now you just gotta get up the courage to do it.

This post will self destruct in...3...2...1
I am wondering what are the thoughts about him, if I where a team I would sign him because people would come to the game just to see him, but I guess these people do not understand $$$$$$$$$$ DAHHHH

his problem is he isn't a good nfl QB. could probably start at a different position but refuses to at this point. i don't care if he worships the bible or a head of freaking lettuce. bottom line is he isn't a good nfl QB.. its that simple. hell of an athlete though and could probably play and be good at a different position. i wouldn't be surprised to see him end up with pats and get used is some strange way..
oops...didn't see the NFL part

it's that damn CSS again
his problem is he isn't a good nfl QB. could probably start at a different position but refuses to at this point. i don't care if he worships the bible or a head of freaking lettuce. bottom line is he isn't a good nfl QB.. its that simple. hell of an athlete though and could probably play and be good at a different position. i wouldn't be surprised to see him end up with pats and get used is some strange way..


Denvers defense the year he was there was outstanding and much better than last years... They didn't win games based on offensive output most of the year he was there.

Those brain dead DB's for Denver this year were very sad when the Ravens came to town for that playoff game. How's any QB supposed to make up for foolish/poor defensive play?
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