Time to start body work



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
So, its summer time, time to get the body on the scamp done.

Just checking if any of you that live in the Seattle area would want to take the scamp body work on.

Not a whole lot of dents or anything, just typical rust behind fenders and body panel/fender straightening and sanding/primering.

Send me a PM if interested, or email me at [email protected] or [email protected] for pictures or questions.

If not interested, got any ideas on where to take it in the seattle area for body work.
I have never done it before. I can sand it and prime it, but the rear fenders behind the wheels have some bad rust.
Both sides, about 3 or so inches down from the body crease on a Scamp the sheet metal has spots of rust, some of which have gone through the sheet metal.

Sure I can just take a cutting wheel and cut that out, but have no idea how to replace the metal. I took Metals in school and know how to weld, but have no equipment. Its probably not rocket science and I could probably figure it out. But I want it to look nice when i am done.