If you have another magazine article, I'll bet they would love to include
one of these outstanding graphic items.
That is a great write up. Now that you had a chance to look back at your build is there anything that you didn't expect? You got to be proud of yourself. Great job.
Tin's Dart on the cover of the new Mopar Muscle!
Jim, Overall I'm very happy with the way it came out, but of course, if I had to do it all over, I would do a few things differently.
That's the (current) June 2013 issue. Should be hitting the retail racks about now.
So what's is like to be done with a project like that? Do you have a new purpose it life?
I appreciate all the kind words, you guy's were a big help as well as inspiration. As for it being done, we all know they are never really done, I do have a short list of things to do, like finish installing the Power Steering, which should be done this week. I fully plan on enjoying the heck out of it this summer, then as crazy as it may sound, I would love to build another car. Unfortunately it would not be another Mopar.